New Amazon - New rules


Mar 8, 2024
Green-cheeked conure | Moline
Hey crew,

4 days ago I got a 2 month old Orange-Winged Amazon. I need some advice from those of you who have already had them and who already have them.
I'm interested in the following thing. Since I let him out today for the second time where he tried to fly (he is a little curled up) and where he flew without orientation - he got stuck on the screen, flew to the top of the wall, hit the wall, he was literally disoriented, probably because his new environment and he hasn't managed to meet everyone yet. It doesn't really want to land on your hand when it flies around the apartment so frantically. He still hasn't managed to go to the other part of the room, which is huge, but which has one huge window, so I'm afraid he'll hit that window (will it hurt him if he bangs on the window a little? He definitely needs to learn that windows are an obstacle) . When he was flying frantically, he landed right next to a small window and stood on the window ledge where he looked outside, but he didn't even try to fly away through that glass.

I teach him to come and stand on my hand on command, which I succeed in, I hold his favorite white seed in my hand and for now he flies to my hand, it will probably take a little time to figure it out and immediately instead of flying frantically he comes to one of the places in it fits, for example, a couch, an armchair or something, and not to be hung on a screen...

Can you give me some tips on how to explain to him that windows are obstacles. I'm afraid right now to get him out of what he did, honestly, I don't want him to get hurt or anything like that.

For now, he eats seeds and doesn't want to be near pellets, which I'm honestly not happy about, but here, we'll wait until he starts eating pellets. Today I offered him his seed mixture and then during the day I put the crushed pellets and I will do that until he takes it and eats it, because he takes the pellet but throws it out of his mouth.

I should also add that it is still very slow, it flies slowly and everything else works very slowly. I hope he will be lively soon
I learned this method ages ago, for teaching about walls, windows, etc.... I also hve him tap on windows...

A few thoughts on pellets...
Here's what I use.
I feed Harrison's, supplemented by fresh healthy treats. My first, and later, my current avian vet recommended it. My bird loves the pellets now, but to get him converted, my avian vet suggested putting pellets out all day, and putting seeds (his old diet) out for two 15-minute periods a day. That would sustain him but leave him hungry enough to try new stuff. I presume the same technique could be used to get him to eat other healthy stuff, like fruits and vegetables! My guy was eating pellets in a couple of days, and now I can feed a good variety of other stuff, knowing he has the pellets as a basic. Pellets are out all day... fresh treats a few times a day. I also like Harrison's via mail because I never have to worry about out-of-date products. Also, eating new foods myself encourages him. YES, I ate a few pellets... they aren't bad... kinda granola-ish.
With new flyers it’s best to start out in small rooms.
Take them into the bedroom or other small space.

If your bird will sit on your hand for the tour that’s great.
But birds can panic and go into that flight/fight mode. And for our parrots it’s almost always FLIGHT and in panic mode they won’t care where they are headed.

My Amazons have hit walls, ceiling’s, and windows.
For the most part they don’t fly fast enough to hurt themselves.

The birds I worry about most are my Cockatiels, they fly very fast and they are good flyers but they panic easily (unlike the amazons)
Friend, I know the excitement of having a new parrot is quite big, but really take your time in expanding his horizons and the bonding process. He will be with you for DECADES and its important to get this right. For now, I would limit out of cage and training time to perhaps 15 min at most say 2 or 3 times a day when things are quiet in the house. He should want to come to you because "Only Good Things Happen with Humans" and those are words to live by. Think TRUST in anything you do with him. Does this ********* build trust or break it. They are slow to build trust but very quick to not trust.

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