New Amazon Adopted today

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  • #21
Thanks Kiwi....we go to bed here pretty early around 9:00 pm and we are up around 5:00 in the morning for work, so I eventually want him to be used to our routine and going to bed. I always thought they needed so many hours of sleep or they can be grumpy....thanks
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  • #22
Hi Jim.....that is funny about Smokey....they are great and the do protest on a lot of things.
Congrats on your new addition! I'm sure he will settle in and be used to you and his new home in no time! My blue front, Sassy, took 2 full months to trust me and step up to me. Now she is great, and I have never, since the day she came home, ever thought of her as I cover all of my birds simply because that's what they were used to when we got them. Can't wait to hear updates on Reggie...he is beautiful!
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  • #24
Thanks so much. I can't imagine any bird being boring either :) I am happy to hear all these positive results that everyone is telling me on their adopted one's. So glad Sassy did well for you......I will keep everyone updated on my boy :)

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