thank you!
yes, that's what i read, that they pluck the chest first...I will hope he is just uncomfortable and that's the reason...Also he was not borred at all when i saw him chewing that last feather, we all were in the kitchen, talking to him, he was on his nothing stressful or upsetting...
i've ordered travel cage as soon as it arrives i'll take him to the vet anyways...And while i wait for the cage i'll look for the avian vet, cause i don't think there are any in my area...
An Avian Vet is always preferred, but if none are available a vet who is a certified ZOO vet ("CertZooMed" means they've done extra work with exotics) is more often than not experienced with 'exotics and avian' and would be better than your standard vet.
I do think you're worrying over nothing at the moment though. Birds preen, feathers fall, sometimes they'll look at you with a huge feather in their mouth "Mummy, look what I just pulled!". It'll just be feathers that needed a little nudge to come out anyway during the moult.
Can tell you're a new parront, worryworryworry! If they sneeze, they're dying?! Sometimes it just is what it is, a sneeze, a loose feather, an itch that needed to be scratched, etc.
He'll be fine