Need some advice--- again!!!

You're obsessed because you love them. ;)

Give your heart time to heal. Over time you will be ready to add more fids back into your life. Give it time. :)
I think it's a very positive thing that when you see or notice a problem that you react right away and try to get as much information as you can about it - with birds, as many of us know, time is of essence and things can go down quickly. Rather than thinking less of you Crim, I think MORE of you.
OMG I would of freeked out!!!
That poo sort of looks like a half developed chick but no shell.
I have no advice that I can give accept good luck and I hope your bird gets through this.

when you breed you see all sorts of things!!, trust me I never like it, but you get use to it, but it gets emotional at times:confused:

Don't I know it Beth.....I went through it last time with little EggBert and that broke my heart.... :(
How Tundra been today?
Please, please don't blame yourself and it is obvious how much you love your babies! You have had a terrible run of luck(and that's what it was, nothing you did). They say that bad things come in threes so hopefully it will be clear sailing and flying from here on out. I also think more of you for the love and care you give your birds.
We are not here to judge one another but rather help one another, in both our joys and our tragedies with our fids.

We can learn a lot by sharing our stories, and it takes more guts to share the problems than to share the great ones! CRIMSON, you got a lot of guts to share yours (repetitively LOL)even though you feel we would think less of did this because you care more about helping your birds that what anybody will think of you! So I really doubt than anyone could think that you are a bad bird owner!

It's normal to feel OFF birds after everything that has happened to you lately. You get that fear in your stomach that something bad is going to happen again. JUST LET IT GO. You provide the best that you can for them, and the rest is up to destiny.....Let it go and all will be well.

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