Need help with my new rescue budgie!!

Is there not a place you can call to turn them in up there like we do here in the states?
I just misted him and he seemed to enjoy it somewhat:rolleyes:

heat lamp is on, and partially covered cage, and tucked in for the night.
Crimson- the reason why I'm curious about meds is because I always want to be prepared in case of an emergency....
Although I didn't realize you were in Canada, we may not have the same meds..
Crimson your heart is so big! If you rub neosporin on those crusts everyday (u can use a q-tip) they will clear up lickedy-split. Ive used it in the past will perfect results. Good luck:) he's right where he needs to be.
Is there not a place you can call to turn them in up there like we do here in the states?

don't think so, I wish there was, I would have sent them up the river long ago!! they tend to take the 'wait and see approach' with a sick bird.
the owner is the problem, bottom dollar is his best friend.
I've known these guys for years, and they will never change.

I will speak to the other store manager the next time I'm in there.... he's better than she is, and I'll talk to him. He'll talk to the owner and it will end there.nothing will be done.
At least then I have told them, and if anything happens and they don't treat their birds, then unfortunately it will be a sad for the birds, and I'll be muttering under my breath.... "you should have listened"
I hate being that way but these guys just won't get it.
Crimson- the reason why I'm curious about meds is because I always want to be prepared in case of an emergency....
Although I didn't realize you were in Canada, we may not have the same meds..

we do have the same meds as you do,they are just under a different name
some of our meds are manufactured in the states, and shipped up here.

We have the same meds here! I know exactly what she's treating him with.
Crimson your heart is so big! If you rub neosporin on those crusts everyday (u can use a q-tip) they will clear up lickedy-split. Ive used it in the past will perfect results. Good luck:) he's right where he needs to be.

ok thanks, I will try that next time. I rely on Ivermectin very heavily and it works 100% of the's really a life saver. I guarantee by tomorrow morning, he will be much better.the crusts will still be there, but they should all be dead.
then I might try a q-tip to see if any fall off, that sounds gross!!ugggg.
he should be breathing easier as well.
I have to give him another dose of Baytril right now.
Where do you get ivermectin anyway? Do you get it at the vets or is it available?

We have the same meds here! I know exactly what she's treating him with.

Good to know. I have heard of them, wasn't sure if we had the same concentration. And I'm not concerned about what she is treating with, my question is purely educational for my own self. I keep a list of all meds and dosage for each species in my Bird Aid Kit so that I'm prepared in case of emergency. I have nothing yet for Budgies and wanted to know in case I was ever in this situation.

Nothing to be defensive about I can assure you.
MikeyTn- maybe it's just me but it seems like your exclamation points keep jumping at my throat. Chillax I mean no harm!
Where do you get ivermectin anyway? Do you get it at the vets or is it available?

from your wonderful country of course, lol!
it's banned in Canada, but can be purchased thru vets

We have the same meds here! I know exactly what she's treating him with.

Good to know. I have heard of them, wasn't sure if we had the same concentration. And I'm not concerned about what she is treating with, my question is purely educational for my own self. I keep a list of all meds and dosage for each species in my Bird Aid Kit so that I'm prepared in case of emergency. I have nothing yet for Budgies and wanted to know in case I was ever in this situation.

Nothing to be defensive about I can assure you.

no worries, I know you were just seeking info :D
I order Ivermectin from
I also order A.I.L which is Avian Insect Liquid, which treats the environment too.
you need to do both --treat the bird, and the cages, perches, toys everything.
I've done this for years and it is 100% effective and SAFE

We have the same meds here! I know exactly what she's treating him with.

Good to know. I have heard of them, wasn't sure if we had the same concentration. And I'm not concerned about what she is treating with, my question is purely educational for my own self. I keep a list of all meds and dosage for each species in my Bird Aid Kit so that I'm prepared in case of emergency. I have nothing yet for Budgies and wanted to know in case I was ever in this situation.

Nothing to be defensive about I can assure you.

no worries, I know you were just seeking info :D
I order Ivermectin from
I also order A.I.L which is Avian Insect Liquid, which treats the environment too.
you need to do both --treat the bird, and the cages, perches, toys everything.
I've done this for years and it is 100% effective and SAFE

Thank you! Hopefully I won't have a mite problem if my budgie doesn't have it by now?
Where do you get ivermectin anyway? Do you get it at the vets or is it available?

from your wonderful country of course, lol!
it's banned in Canada, but can be purchased thru vets

In Canada you get meds in the US and me in the US get my dogs meds in England (heartguard which is half price and you don't need a prescription there)!! LOL. We get our way around the system eh? :)
Good to know. I have heard of them, wasn't sure if we had the same concentration. And I'm not concerned about what she is treating with, my question is purely educational for my own self. I keep a list of all meds and dosage for each species in my Bird Aid Kit so that I'm prepared in case of emergency. I have nothing yet for Budgies and wanted to know in case I was ever in this situation.

Nothing to be defensive about I can assure you.

no worries, I know you were just seeking info :D
I order Ivermectin from
I also order A.I.L which is Avian Insect Liquid, which treats the environment too.
you need to do both --treat the bird, and the cages, perches, toys everything.
I've done this for years and it is 100% effective and SAFE

Thank you! Hopefully I won't have a mite problem if my budgie doesn't have it by now?

he sounds fine. It's when you introduce a new bird and they come in with mites, they can potentially infect your bird(s)whether it's air sac, red mites, feather mites, or scaly face mites, that's when you need to treat both birds.(or all of your birds)
what most people don't know about air sac mites is most birds have them. Not parrots, mostly finches, canaries, and budgies seem to be most prone to them.
when the parents feed their chicks they pass on dead or live mites into their chicks trachea, and can lay dormant for years. It's not until they become very stressed or their immune system becomes weakened, that is when the air sac mites become active and attack. Air sac mites also cause bleeding ulcers.
I know this for a fact, because 2 of my gouldian finches died earlier this year, just after purchasing them from a breeder. I had a necropsy done, and those were the findings.
Now some birds never show signs of having air sac mites, because the are healthy.
Where do you get ivermectin anyway? Do you get it at the vets or is it available?

from your wonderful country of course, lol!
it's banned in Canada, but can be purchased thru vets

In Canada you get meds in the US and me in the US get my dogs meds in England (heartguard which is half price and you don't need a prescription there)!! LOL. We get our way around the system eh? :)

yeah we sure do!

I think you read too deep into my comments. I'm on my phone most of the time so I get right to the point make it easy and simple. Wasn't trying to be harsh towards you so don't mis-interpret. ;)

I think you read too deep into my comments. I'm on my phone most of the time so I get right to the point make it easy and simple. Wasn't trying to be harsh towards you so don't mis-interpret. ;)

No problem, I'm mostly on my phone too.

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