Need help, my conure has a cold?

I'm sure the balance issue is related to the lack of oxygen.
Awwww, poor baby! I hope he recovers. Keep doing what you are doing.
Guys, I need help.

I need to know that it's going to be ok! :-(

My poor guy is really sick and does not move around at all that much. Today I went to give him his medication and all he has been doing is sleeping in my hand looking lifeless.
He was shacking his tail fathers as if he was trying to take something off, but he just kept doing it. I put him back in his happy hut and he is still shacking his tail feathers. Just randomly. :-(

I am just really worried that I am lossing my friend. It's like he got a little better and than back to being really sick. Does this kind of thing get worse before it gets better? How long does this take to get my buddy back? Will I get my buddy back? :-(.

I don't know what else I can do! :-(
If you haven't already, you need to call your bird's veterinarian and discuss his continued lethargic condition with the may be that the vet will want to see the bird instead of giving you more instructions over the phone.

I don't know that any veterinarian can tell an owner that a sick bird is going to be alright.....there are simply too many variables/unknowns with sick birds, the foremost being that the bird can not explain how or what it is feeling....

Good luck.....
I am taking him back today at 4:45pm. I really don't want to put my bird down, I don't get it. The x-rays came back good! So why is my bird not getting better? :-(
Oh I am so sorry about this! :( You can't blame yourself for the fish, fish just die its like their job! Ok not really but fish are very delicate. All my panda platies died within a year but I was taking perfect care of them. So please don't blame yourself. I hope pat will get 100% better very soon! And I understand the overreacting part, when Lilo would get the tiniest sick I would cause a big hullabaloo! So that is understand able!
I'm very sorry to hear this. Is it a possibility where you live to take him to another avian vet for a second opinion? I wonder if it's the right treatment for the condition?

Best wishes for your little guy. All I can say is just know you're not alone. Many of us know what this feels like. Hang in there, we'll wait for your update.
Guys, I am at work right now. My wife is going to take the bird in. I honestly don't think he will make it. The worst part is, I won't be there to say good bye. :-(

I do feel like I had failed him, It had to be something I did to get him sick. I don't know! If it does come down to it, I won't be getting another bird. I know that much! I don't think I can get another conure. Maybe a Macaw, I have ways wanted a Macaw, but I feel like of I can't keep my poor Conure alive what makes me think about a Macaw. Plus I don't know if I can go though this again!! This is awful watching your buddy die! :-(
Live in the here and now. If changes occur then react to them. Any one of us could have the same post on here. We all do what we know to do, and we learn along the way. Pet ownership, especially pets that have such a high level of intimate interaction with us is always a double-edge sword. The joys can turn to sorrows, and should they live to be 100, it's still too few years. But we don't stop moving, we take each day, sometimes each moment as they come.
Guys, Patrick passed away today. He died before we could get to the Vet. At least he died at home and not at the vet office.

When I get home from work tonight I will burry him in his happy hut. He loved that thing! He died in my wife's arms. :-(. I feel awfule right now! I don't know what I did wrong! He got better it seemed like and now this. I feel like I let him down! :-(. He will be missed greatly!
Oh no noooo! I am crying right now! Oh I am soooooooooooooooo so sorry! Oh my gosh! I am glad he passed in loving hands and not alone in a cage!
I'm so sorry for your loss. I know it's easier said than done but don't beat yourself up. You did everything you could for him and at least he died in the arms of somebody he knows loves him.
I am so sorry for your loss. Please don't think that you did anything wrong. Many of us have gone through losses. Many times it happens regardless of how good of a pet owner you are. A lot of it is beyond your control.

I felt guilty for not being present when Pix died, but that sort of guilt is natural. Sometimes you are not home, have to work, are sleeping, etc. That kind of guilt is expected.

BUT feeling responsible for the death because he had developed a health problem? No, please don't feel guilty for his passing under those circumstances. We mourn them, but to think you could have prevented it, no. As someone told me... This sadness and grief is the price we pay for opening our heart to a creature and loving it.

You will never forget this, but as time passes, if you are a bird person at heart, you will get up and do it again when you're ready to find another special feathered buddy :). It will take time, I know as the pain is fresh. Focus on the good times also at this time. Take care.
I'm so very sorry for your loss of Patrick. As hard as it is, please try not to beat yourself up too much, instead focus on the bond you had with your friend. Some things are simply out of our control no matter what we do or how hard we try. I'm glad your wife was with the little guy when he passed. Patrick was much loved while he was with you and I'm sure he knew that.

Fly free little one.
Thanks for the support guys!

I am donating all of my cages to a bird rescue so that some might find a better home! Or at least have room to house more birds that need rescuing. If I do get another bird it is going to be a Macaw. I made up my mind on that, I think a bigger buddy will fit my lifestyle a little more as well.

Honestly, I don't know yet. This loss is still hard right now, so there is really no other talks about another feathered friend.

I might stick with what I know best and get some chickens. LoL. I like the Blue Andalusian haha. I grew up on a small farm and I always and still do have laying hens. At least they are easy. :-p

Like I said, Patrick was my buddy and I miss his excited tweets when I come home. He is already missed. I buried him last night and made him a cross in my families pet burial grounds. So he is home and resting In peace. I buried him his little happy hut! :-(
I'm truly sorry for your loss. It's a very hard thing to deal with. But don't blame yourself. after reading all of your posts i can see that you did everything possible.

I have a Blue and Gold. They're awesome for first time macaw owners, very good natured!
I would consider a necropsy since it was never fully understood what made him so sick.

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