Need good thoughts

Mare number two under camera
And storms coming through area. (Good thing)
Oh wow, it looks like she's going through some heavy duty contractions right about she? :eek:
Or not? LOL. Now she's standing up. I swear, when I first logged on earlier, I about got the popcorn ready, HAHAHAH.
I fell asleep at about515 because I gAve up. Didn't look like anything was happening.

Last year she foaled between 1 and 2, and will likely do the same. Ugh.
How is River doing with her little 'man'???

Perhaps it was a mistake downloading the plug in for the camera (for me, anyways) cause I find myself gawking almost non-stop now. :54:
Lol! Hold on ill upload some pics from their first day outside (between rain drops)

:eek: Speedy Gonzalez!!!

Holy smokes that baby can run!!! :11:

BEAUTIFUL pictures! I've got goosebumps now. So River's being a really good Mama this time around then, right? :D My gosh they are STUNNING! Both of them!!
She's being absolutely perfect....
Beautiful mom and baby! Amazing how hooved animals can get up and walk and run so soon after birth. That's survival!
Survival of the fittest. Their instincts are to give birth in the cover of night, and be up and on the move before predators are.
I'm so boooooored of waiting for this last baby.
You should sleep because you know the baby will pop out when your guard is down! I swear the last mare i was waiting for waited for me to juuuuuust fall asleep before her water was the most annoying thing ever hahahaha. But that baby was so worth it! She just earned the Supreme Leigon of Honor (the arabian circuit does a point system for winning classes and she earned the maximum amount of points) a few months ago.
I did finally sleep at 4.
I'm bored just thinking about another night.
BAHAHA! That young man is just FULL of it! Look at him bucking! Hilarious!!! :D

Gosh, when is the other mare going to foal??? She's sure taking her sweet old time, isn't she?
Congratulations! So relieved to hear that everything worked out so well and that Rain is being an awesome mama.

Hope you got a little rest. How's the other mare doing?
BAHAHA! That young man is just FULL of it! Look at him bucking! Hilarious!!! :D

Gosh, when is the other mare going to foal??? She's sure taking her sweet old time, isn't she?

Isn't he a monster? That was actually after he had already run around like a fool!

As for chapel... I've decided she doesn't want to have the baby. Lol. She's actually due in like two days. Maybe.

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