Need good thoughts

Sending you both good wishes and hope your anticipation is rewarded with a beautiful new foal!
I've supplied the link to just about everyone lol.
Can be accessed from a phone or computer.

It may ask for authentication and if so user name is admin. No password.

Just please don't move the view of the camera! I periodically adjust it from my laptop but mostly leave it as is. Unless the stupid pigeons do a fly by...:rolleyes:

She looked uber restless last night about 1-2 am but by 4 was peacefully resting.

Now off to nap for me :)
This is so exciting!
Thank you for sharing! And of course, I send you all of the best hopes and wishes that all of this goes smoothly! :)
So the milk test which basically tests ph and calcium says she is 95% likely to foal... Similar results last year did not disappoint

I'm watching impatiently tonight.
You have to be patient and yes a pop up will comd up for the authentication so you have to disable that.

I'm still waiting patiently... Her companion (the other mare) actually looks like she will have hers first at this point. (Maybe tonight)
Hey girl - I know you are aren't getting much sleep or sleeping well but I hope things move along quickly for you and that everything is alright. Call me or text me if you just need someone to be there with you. I can't help much but I can be there for you to pass the time away.
Honestly... I'm exhausted. Let me find out if my helper/vet student would stay all night if I need her... If not I may text you to see if you want to keep me company.
The vet looked at both today and feels they'll both foal within a day of each other but are still 5-7 days away.
My mind is so busy worrying I just want both to foal so I can deal with whatever the reality is going to be.
Praying for peace for you and rest. Also praying that everything will go fine. Wow - two babies at one time. You need to rest girl. Can you sleep in the barn with them?
My apartment is actually over the barn so I technically already do.
But really someone needs to
Actively watch both of them at all times. It's exhausting.
My friend who is in vet school watched them last night so I could sleep which I am entirely grateful for.
I can watch during the day tomorrow and Sunday if you can sleep while I do that. I can also clean the barn and feed and water the horses if you need me to.
That's super nice of you to offer. I actually have an employee watching them tonight while I go to work. And tomorrow my friend will spend the day and while I'm at work. Then Sunday it's the vet student again.

Hopefully they decide to foal one of those days.
Otherwise I'll be back to lining up watches again.
If anyone is up log on yo the camera
mommy just had baby
Oh wow!! That is so cool. :D congratulations!! Now you can get some rest!

My ignorant questions:
Do horses foal laying down in the position she's in now?
How long did it take for the baby to come out?
How long does it typically take before mom and baby are up on their feet?
Well unfortunately right now we are waiting on the vet as the baby cannot nurse or won't. It's what's called a dummy foal. It cannot survive without moms vitamin rich first milk. So we tried for several hours and now I'm waiting for the vet to come tube the baby. I milked as much as I could so we can give it to baby.

Yes, they will lay flat out during contractions and push the baby out.
Generally once 3/4 of the baby is out mom will rest and baby will start to move around. Eventually standing up. Generally takes about 20-45 minutes from
Water breaking to foal out. Then could be up to an hour before they both stand.
You have four hours from birth to get the milk into the baby via nursing.
Rivers water broke at 133. By 203 baby was out. I am still waiting on baby to
Figure out nursing.

And still waiting on the other mare to have her baby as well.
:eek: OMG!! Did the vet come out yet? You must be utterly exhausted. I hope the foal figures out how to nurse properly.
I'm finally into the camera. Looks like the foal is running laps around mama??? :11:

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