My worst nightmare is finally over. I feel broken :-(

Your post gave me Deja Vu - all over again...

Like I said, I have first hand experience with this one... Been there! Done that! Sucked just as hard when I figured it out 10-15 or so years ago!

And the other thing is, good rescues are only as good as the people they attract. They can be taken over b these sorts of people, or by well intentioned, but opinionated and misguided people with their own hidden agendas. They change and evolve over time, and not always for the better. There is a lot of petty politics involved. And frankly I got sick of it.

I have worked with five different rescues now... (none recently.)

I finally burnt out on it, and just took care of my own. It does expose you to a lot of ugliness. And I got tired of dealing with ugliness every day...
And believe me, I TOTALLY get how people would feel like "omg tell the news!!" I would feel that way 100% until I was face to face with these people in my neighborhood. I mean think about it: the worst person you know, someone who bullied you or just someone who you really, really don't want to see again. That person living really close to you and all your mutual friends tied into it on facebook......and suddenly you put them on blast. You can't just walk away, it's like real in your gut and you feel sick every time your dog barks at something outside and you're afraid to leave your house. Every time you get a text or an email you feel like you're going to puke. You can't sleep because you're afraid and there's too much adrenaline. Not a good way of life.

Sometimes the best thing to do is to walk away, cut off all contact with these people, and don't look back - not for one single second!
I wish the good people wouldn't help him. They are afraid that he will let those birds die. I don't see the point because he's already had SO MANY die down there. All they're doing is keeping them alive in a horrible place.

The really sick thing is how the kind of people who stay are often the kind who stand up for idiots like him. I know at least 2 people with huge moronic mouths who would just scream about how much he does for the group. Its just like birdman says. He puts on events and we do all the work. He brings in money and nobody knows where it goes. He uses horrific pictures of birds to solicit donations.

Yep. Not a rescue. A CON - a profit center... saw this scam myself once, up close and personal. And you get caught up in it cuz you care, but you really can't do anything about it...

And if you try to, you are a threat to expose someone's CON and their easy money livelihood...

There's quite a lot of that stuff that goes on in the "non-profit" charity industry. Not just with animals, but people too! They solicit millions, and give pennies. Nobody is really holding them accountable...

If everyone just walked away, and stayed away, he'd fold up the tent (and probably scam welfare instead.) This one is dealt with in whispers... behind the scenes, away from the loudmouths, but only to those who see what you're seeing, and ready to hear the truth... otherwise it's just more drama you don't need. When all that's left is the loudmouths, all that happens is hot air.

This requires significant amounts of TACT.
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I have not been on line much because of a contract job I am doing. I have one more week then I believe the contract will be finished.

My heart goes out to you for what you have been though. Fortunately I have not been involved in the bird community enough to run into your situation. Our community here is pretty fractured and I am not involved in any of the bird rescues or clubs here since 2005.

My worst nightmare would be to rehome Valentino into a situation in which he would not be cared for or loved in the manner he deserves. I do wrestle with leaving him alone 9 hours a day but for now it is needed while I leave the house each day to work. I want to work hard to keep Valentino and work though our strife and changes. So many changes for both of us.

I can understand that you had to pull back to take care of yourself. Panic attacks and constant fear is so debilitating it will make you chronically ill. You need to take care of yourself so that you can care for your parrots. Your buddy will get his medical care and you know this. I am kind of in the same boat with Valentino's needed well bird check up this fall. I am going to have to postpone it until Spring or maybe even next fall. My only consolation for this is Valentino is a young healthy RFM and to skip his well bird checkup for one year is not detrimental to his health. I cannot bring myself to rehome my boy because I am in process of getting on my feet and moving forward with huge life transitions and cannot afford his vet check up right now. Valentino is my best friend, a extremely valued member of my family, and he saved my life. I cannot bring myself to find a home for a friend who saved my life.

I wish you nothing but the best and pray for you and your flock. I hope the vet can help your greenwing with the sight issue. With lots of love, good food and vet care I know he will recover as well as he can.

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