My sun conures started laying eggs!

Itā€™s so exciting! I guess I didnā€™t have any reason to worry. The internet is a great thing but learning about all the things that can go wrong isnā€™t fun šŸ˜‚ Thereā€™s only one egg left to hatch! I think it will probably hatch on Monday. It seems like they hatched every other day.
Oh, we will always worry, won't we? Just try to trust that the parents will take good care of them but have a back up plan in place in case they don't. It's very important at this age when the babies are naked and helpless that you have the incubator. From my experience, handfeeding (under guidance of a CAV) isn't as hard as it seems. I had zero experience doing it and didn't plan to do it but had to or just let the fertile developing egg die. My reward is Rocky. It was worth every single sleepless night to have her happy, healthy and fully grown. I don't plan on doing it again any time soon.
Oh, we will always worry, won't we? Just try to trust that the parents will take good care of them but have a back up plan in place in case they don't. It's very important at this age when the babies are naked and helpless that you have the incubator. From my experience, handfeeding (under guidance of a CAV) isn't as hard as it seems. I had zero experience doing it and didn't plan to do it but had to or just let the fertile developing egg die. My reward is Rocky. It was worth every single sleepless night to have her happy, healthy and fully grown. I don't plan on doing it again any time soon.
I think I can hand feed if necessary. Iā€™m very careful and a complete pet lover. I do tons of research. I have a friend thatā€™s experienced in hand feeding too. I saw this as Iā€™m cuddling my miracle house goat on my couch. Everyone thought she was going to die. I bottle fed her since she was a day old. Sheā€™s going to be three May 7th. I love her so much.
I think I can hand feed if necessary. Iā€™m very careful and a complete pet lover. I do tons of research. I have a friend thatā€™s experienced in hand feeding too. I saw this as Iā€™m cuddling my miracle house goat on my couch. Everyone thought she was going to die. I bottle fed her since she was a day old. Sheā€™s going to be three May 7th. I love her so much.
You sound very well prepared to me to do what you need to do. I found handfeeding my budgie to be the most amazing experience of my life and I'm not exaggerating. Watching my newly hatched baby budgie feed and grow was like a miracle.
I love goats! Never had one but every time I go the the big agricultural Fair I'm drawn to all the beautiful goats. Such great animals.
You sound very well prepared to me to do what you need to do. I found handfeeding my budgie to be the most amazing experience of my life and I'm not exaggerating. Watching my newly hatched baby budgie feed and grow was like a miracle.
I love goats! Never had one but every time I go the the big agricultural Fair I'm drawn to all the beautiful goats. Such great animals.
Iā€™m prepared to take care of the babies. Iā€™m hoping I wonā€™t have to for awhile but if need be Iā€™m confident I can do it. My goatā€™s name is Rosie. Sheā€™s a Nigerian Dwarf Goat. Sheā€™s the smallest dairy breed. She will never be bred though because sheā€™s only 30 pounds. Sheā€™s strictly a pet forever. They are very affectionate animals. If you bottle feed them then they think you are their mom. If my goat isnā€™t eating sheā€™s cuddling with me on the couch. She wears a baby diaper šŸ˜‚
Air conditioning is not advisable for baby birds! They do not have proper temperature control!
Air conditioning is not advisable for baby birds! They do not have proper temperature control!
I donā€™t have air conditioning. I live in Northern California where the climate is temperate.
Iā€™ll candle them tomorrow morning and see. I usually check in the morning. Both birds stay in the nest box almost constantly. They come out to eat and poop. They donā€™t poop in the nest box at all. I really hope they are fertile. It will be 21 days for the first egg on the 22nd of this month. šŸ˜ I have caught her laying on the eggs so I know sheā€™s sitting on them. Itā€™s actually really cute hearing the noises that they have been making since they laid eggs.
How are those adorable babies doing?
I canā€™t wait to find out what colors the babies will be šŸ˜ I just have to wait 2-3 more weeks šŸ˜†
I canā€™t wait to find out what colors the babies will be šŸ˜ I just have to wait 2-3 more weeks šŸ˜†
I thought all Sun Conures looked kinda the same. Are there different color mutations like with budgies and cockatiels?
I thought all Sun Conures looked kinda the same. Are there different color mutations like with budgies and cockatiels?
They can be red factor or have high yellow factor šŸ˜

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