My soon-to-be baby Hahns

Look, my little bald poultry dish is becoming a parrot! :D



As Karen said... I looked at the pics and said 'so cute'!!
Oh my gosh, so adorable! My breeder has a cute little hahns who only has little head and wing feathers, and he runs all around like a nutso trying to play with all the other birds. He's about the cutest thing.

I love how adorable Fozzi/e looks with those spiky feathers!
TY everyone. I'm a very proud momma. :p

Oh my gosh, so adorable! My breeder has a cute little hahns who only has little head and wing feathers, and he runs all around like a nutso trying to play with all the other birds. He's about the cutest thing.

I love how adorable Fozzi/e looks with those spiky feathers!

Aww. That's the way Fozzie's brother from the previous clutch was when we visited. He was very active and playful with another baby macaw there. They were adorable together.
Re: My almost-baby Hahns

I'm very sad to say this is my last update on Fozzie. He passed away today from a freak accident - choking on a pellet. :( (Why is there no face crying buckets of tears??)

If everything went well with his weaning, I was going to pick him up the weekend after this one coming up. I am completely ready. His food. His cage. His stand. His toys. I want to say I'm shocked but that's not true. I know I mentioned in another thread that a lot of things have happened since we decided to get Fozzie, and I've jokingly wondered more than once if a higher power was trying to tell me not to get him. It was too late though because I was already in love. Well everything has just got worse since then. So much so that when I learned Fozzie died it felt like I got kicked in the gut, but I didn't feel surprised. I feel extreme guilt for this, but I realized immediately it felt like I was expecting the news.

It's been one of those months that just feel like I'm in the path of an avalanche of misfortune. Next time you're about to say, "Well, it probably won't get any worse" or "The worst is likely over," just STOP. Don't do it. Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't feel it. Think of fuzzy kittens and rainbows or parrots on parade. Don't. Tempt. Fate. :52:

The breeder is such a sweetheart though she contacted another breeder she knows who has an available baby Hahns. She even offered to wean the other breeder's baby for me if I didn't want to wait until next year for her pair to have another clutch. I just don't know though. On one hand I have everything for a Hahns macaw (PB can use most of it though). On the other hand I held Fozzie in my arms just the other week. I know that I can never give another bird that name, but I don't know how I feel about replacing Fozzie with another Hahns so soon. Obviously we weren't bonded or anything but I was emotionally invested already.

As another option the breeder offered me one of her blue & gold macaw babies for the same price I'd have paid for the Hahns. The baby would be ready to go home probably in December. I admit a fondness for the B&Gs but...

I don't know. I'm not about to make any decision tonight. In fact, I'm going to just post this, kiss some kittens for luck (waking the bird would most certainly NOT bring good luck), try not to cry so much my head hurts more, and hope my karma is better tomorrow. Remember: Don't tempt fate! Also, kiss your babies.
Oh!! I am SO very sorry to be reading this :(. What a shock (for us here) to hear. I guess you sort of had a sixth sense about it though, which certainly doesn't make it any easier! Such a disappointment.

You don't have to make another decision one way or another right now. You'll know when it just feels right. Then the one who was truly meant to be will come along. Right place at the right time, and it will fall into place.

Take care. PB loves you and will be there for you in the morning :)
I'm so sorry.. what tragic news :(

I think not trying to decide right away is a good idea. Your heart and head need some time to clear and heal so you can feel right about whatever decision you make.

This really struck me so much harder than other bereavement posts I've read. Maybe because my macaw baby is weaning right now, I don't know. But I'm sitting here crying with you. I'm so, so sorry this happened :(

We'll all be here for you when you decide what you want to do (and before that, too).
Thank you both. I feel slightly better this morning but also a little lost. I look at Fozzie's cage and it looks eerily empty. This time yesterday I was filled with excitement looking at it. I keep trying to picture a new Hahns in there but my brain leaps to the idea of a "new Fozzie" and rebels. I try to tell myself, "NO, not a new Fozzie but a new Hahns." That's not working yet. I just picture Fozzie in my arms again or cuddled up next to his bear and have to fight back tears. Apparently I need more time.

I'd like to think PB is trying to cheer me up right now. She's playing with her toy phone from mysafebirdstore and keeps pressing the "I love you" button. Usually her favorite is, "Hellooooo." Silly goose.
I am so sorry! That's so unfortunate! :(

But, alas, that's life.... and as we all know, it can throw you curve balls and seem not fair. Just remember to not beat yourself up over it, accidents happen all the time, unfortunately.

You'll know when the time is right. When I lost Kalani, my first blue front amazon, (and first large parrot) unexpectedly, I did not think any bird could ever fill the void. Well, after a few months, along comes Mopar, and although Kalani will forever have a spot in my heart, Mopar quickly created his own!

I wish you the best in the difficult time! It does sound like PB is trying to cheer you up. ;)
I am so sorry your baby Hahn's didn't make it to you. I know all the preparations and excitement brought you joy and expectations but it must of been VERY HARD with the darkness in the back of your mind that you were experiencing at the same time. My heart goes out to you for having to go though all of this at the same time!

Your breeder is working hard to help make it right for you. Offering you to wean another breeder's Hahn's for you or one of their baby B&G is going above in the help to try to get you though this difficult time. It is very hard to make the correct decision for YOU during the time of grieving.

Only once did I bring home a parrot of the same species of one of my boys that have died. Honestly I did it for Lupe because she was missing Mihijo my noble macaw after he had passed from a heart attack. After almost 18 years of living with my little macaw I knew in my heart there would be no other noble macaw even remotely like my Mihijo. When we adopted Julio he was Lupe's parrot but I have to admit to myself it was not easy for me to see Julio everyday and not think of my Mihijo. The time frame was Mihijo passed in October and we brought home Julio in May about 7 months between both events.

I know the difficulties you are facing right now with what to do. Just because you have not brought home your Hahn's yet does not mean it will not be hard for you to "bring home another Hahn's baby" Even if you give the baby a different name it might not work for you.....or will it?

Only you can answer these questions for yourself and what you know inside what you can do and what you want to do. Try not to feel guilty IF you do decide to bring home another Hahn's baby. If you go the way of the blue and gold be prepared to raise such a baby. Although both are in the same macaw family your head needs to be on board with being able to handle such a different size parrot with such different needs.

I wish you nothing but the best. No matter what decision you make you make the decision that is best for YOU!
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Life is, by it's very nature unpredictable. Setting your hopes, then having them deferred...well, it's life at it's very essence.

There are too many "what ifs", too many who you are. Where you are. When you are.
Awful! So sorry to hear that this happened. What a freak accident too. Can't imagine choking on a pellet is common?

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