My new conure keeps biting my face and ear (new bird owner)


New member
Oct 2, 2024
Green Cheek Conure, Biscuit.
I just got my 2 year old male GCC, Biscuit, a few days ago. He likes to sit on my shoulder and lets me pet him and steps up without biting me, however when on my shoulder while he preens my face he sometimes bites my cheek or lip hard or my ear. I tell him NO firmly then put him back on his perch for a few minutes while giving my back to him then picking him up again rinse and repeat if he bites again. Do they grow out of this and how long does it take for him to learn not to bite
Welcome and be welcomed.

Shunning, which is the technique you're using, is best done by putting him immediately on a handy chair back, not his cage or a perch in there - that trains him to bite when he wants to go back to there. This must be done EVERY TIME the bit occurs and must be immediate. Let him stay there for 1 minute and NO eye contact or even talking about him at all. No more or less.

Done consistently, even a stubborn bird will relent eventually. Its how parrots in the wild chastise the unruly young.

Good Luck!
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what if he doesnt want to step up? Everytime he bites me and i say no then try to pick him up from my chair he refuses to step up
Step up is a separate training thing, best done is a separate training session.
We are talking about training to not bite here. Use a hand held perch to reacquire him from the chair.

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