My new baby is a male!


New member
May 5, 2012
Bay Area California
Margret-Mealy Amazon 28 (family parrot), Petri- Peach Front Conure 4, Chloe- Congo African Grey 24 and Rio- Blue Crown Conure 4 !! :D
Went to visit my baby yesterday for a few hours and "he" was chattering a bunch when he came out and then we heard some hellos and hi! At 2 1/2 months old he's already talking!! So I was like okay...this is a good sign it's a male!! Sure enough, today the DNA results came in and he is a boy! He's still on 1-2 feedings a day so I still have a bit of waiting to do but all the babies are trying out their pellets and veggies. I am so thrilled and SO EXCITED!! Here are some new photos I took, he's already so much bigger than the last time I saw him! I even got a few yawns out of him and he fell asleep on my lap! So cute!!!!

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Thank you!!!!

Congrats :) If I remember correctly, you wanted a male... nice when it turns out that way!
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Yes that is correct! I text'd so many friends today and told them it was like I was pregnant and telling my friends the sex of a human baby.....LOL!!!
Congrats, what a sweet face! How exciting to have him talking and bonding with you already.

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