My lorikeet ozzy :)


Many years ago, I was active on a Lory Forum. One woman on the forum told a sad story - she had a Moluccan Red Lory, and a few other parrots. The cages were side by side, against a wall. The cage doors were open and a few parrots were on top of their cage. The Lory suddenly attacked one of the other birds - the woman ran over quickly to break up the fight and brought her arm in between the two parrots - shooing them away from each other. She quickly got them all back into their cages. But somehow the movement frightened the Lory so badly that it was from that moment leary of her. She had had this lory for a couple years already. She tried for the next year and a half to win back the trust of the Lory, but the Lory wanted nothing to do with her. It had previously not wanted anything to do with her young daughter, but now all it wanted was to be with her young daughter.

I think this break in trust could happen with any type of bird though. I've never forgotten that story. She eventually found another home for the Lory because her daughter was too young to take care of it.

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