Kakariki enrichment


New member
Jan 1, 2025
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Ozzie (male kakariki)
Tootsie (female kakariki)
Hello I'm new to this forum and I have 2 red crowned kakarikis Ozzie and Tootsie. I have been struggling to find new ways to entertain them i tend to give ozzie a string pull which is basically a reward tied to the end of a string and the other end tied to the perch he then has to pull the reward up using his beak and foot this has been used for many bird experiments with birds lick cockatiels cockatoos and African greys and its fairly difficult but he really enjoys it so I do it fairly often but not too often I have tried doing it with tootsie and she doest tend to do it. So does anyone have any recommendations on enrichment for these two something very challenging as they are very smart
I recently got a cat puzzle toy for my birds and it has kept them very occupied. It's definitely more challenging than most bird foraging toys (likely because it isn't made for their bodies to manipulate). It's pretty large, but there are smaller foraging toys for dogs and cats that might suit your birds well. (Just make sure it's safe for them.) :) I also recommend foraging wheels and trays/boxes.

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