My experience with my CAG

I love to see Coco's full set of wings. They are truly beautiful when in flight. She is a luck bird to have such a full life with you.
[ame=]YouTube - Sshhh....I found a Grey in the wild.[/ame]
Cocoa is taking some time off from her hectic schedule living in the city.
She is retreating in to a jungle, doing meditation and Chi Kung (Qi Gong), absorbing the negative ions to prolong her life.

[ame=]YouTube - Back to nature[/ame]
Your experiences with Cocoa have really got me thinking about how I can get my birds out. Maybe not quite the same but I think I can get some of them harness trained and out in the yard at least.

Thanks a bunch!:)
Hiking vids.

[ame=]YouTube - Cocoa goes hiking 1[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Cocoa goes hiking 2[/ame]
Today's (Feb 2nd) hiking pics.




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Awewome pictures and videos... you are such a great guardian with such special talents.
Thank you for sharing. I hope I can have a good relationship with my Abby.
She still flairs up her feathers and lunges at me when I try to get her out of her cage and she will run to the top of her cage when I try to get her to step up and when I do take her to an other room she will fly down to the floor and head for her cage or playstand.
Feb 8 vids.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Cocoa African Grey - Balancing‬‏[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Cocoa African Grey - watching water fall‬‏[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Cocoa, African Grey shopping for ornamental fish[/ame]
Some recent pics.






As usual you photos are spectacular. I saw that you had a brief encounter with a wild CAG on the other forum. How wonderful for you. I bet you held your breath at the time.
As usual you photos are spectacular. I saw that you had a brief encounter with a wild CAG on the other forum. How wonderful for you. I bet you held your breath at the time.

Lol! You meant the wild grey on the previous page?

All your photographs are absolutely awesome, each and everyone

You must win photo contest with your pictures. How much does you bird weigh?
Not much, 450g after poop in the morning.

Missed out a couple of pics.




[ame=]YouTube - ‪Cocoa, African Grey wins 100m sprint.‬‏[/ame]

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