Minzer, I thought of you today ...

Yay for Iggy... how is the little pin cushin anyways? he grumpy and nippy or is he happy to be home?
He seems to be really tired...he's sitting on his dinner stand right now dozing, but at least he ate a little first. I tried to put my hand in his carrier at the vet, but I got growled at and promptly removed it (at least he gave me warning). But he hasn't tried any attacks...I think he's a little sore and extremely worn out. And there's blood on his foot, so I'm going to have to be careful about watching the incision...
Christy and I are very happy that Iggy is OK, let's hope that this is all that needs to happen to him!!
Yah for Iggy, I'm so glad that he's home. Lets hope that something good will come from what he's been through.
Today I had to give him some pain meds...that was fun...I don't know how much actually got into him...but I guess it was better than nothing. He's still being pretty quiet, but I guess that is to be expected. Chase put him back in his cage without an oven mitt and didn't get attacked! Small steps...
Did you have to give him his meds orally through a syringe? Or did you give him a shot? (I don't really think they'd let someone take home needles to poke their bird with though, but just asking)
Yea, it's an oral drug, Meloxicam. I think that he's going to get smarter each day and it's going to get harder to give. Chase toweled him and I tried to shoot it in...took a few tries. :rolleyes:
Oh he'll get pretty smart, but you're expecting it so I'm sure you'll do just fine. :D At least if he has a mind too, he can only get the sryinge, in which case you squirt it in quick and then run. :D
You'll just get craftier with it. Sisqo bit the tips off of all his before we knew it and I had to get him some new ones. So far he's only bitten the tip off of one in the past 3 months, so either we're getting better at it, or he's getting used to it.

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