Meet Keltar (Cute pictures)


Active member
Aug 9, 2012
Queensland, Australia
Fargo- Blue and Gold Macaw
The story starts many years ago, when all I wanted was a big black shire foal... Of course I do eventing, so they aren't suitable, so that was when I got Klaatu, and then Kitai, and finally Kyros!

Mum said if we ever got another horse, it would be a foal, because we have always purchased 15 months and above.

Anyways, a week ago we were talking about my 21st and what I wanted to do... Of course I found a sea lion program where you spend a whole day with them, so that will be booked.. and I said- For my present, I would like a shire foal...

Mum said if I can find a shire cross, I can have one... Mum has said she will never buy me a purebred.

Little did she know that I am the master at finding horses for sale..

Even though shire foals are very rare...

I found this little man.

50% shire... Jet black.. Will mature to 17hh +..

I ran to tell mum, she couldn't believe I had found the perfect little foal..

Organised to go and visit him...

So now.. I would like to introduce you to-


He is only 2 months old, so we have to wait another 4 months before he can come home, so hopefully the time flies!

He was shy at first, but he ate out of my hands, and then he was following me everywhere... and by the end we were running around together...

Now for pictures!

He has his baby foal coat, hence he is fluffy and that light colour

Waiting for his breakfast-

Eating breakfast

Walking over-

Running around me-

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Just standing around

Nose scratches

Trying to play with my friendship bracelet

When Keltar was born

Keltar's sire and grandfather.. Both huge black shires.. Gorgeous !

and because this is a parrotforum, I thought you would enjoy the friendly king parrot!

and a video of Keltar walking over and very interested in the camera!
[ame=""]Keltar walking over - YouTube[/ame]

Rachel had a big WHITE Shire... and that was her dream horse.

I'm fond of gypsy vanners myself... but I am NOT fond of mucking out stables. So, a horse is just not in the cards for me.
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WOW Tab!! He's beautiful!! I love horses too...... We've bought foals and it's so much fun to train them and watch them grow (they grow so fast! Are you planning on gelding him? Congratulations!
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Haha! I don't keep my boys in a stable, only when they are injured... But Keltar will be in a stable whilst he is young, but mucking out is ok if you have some fun dance music playing ;)

Thanks guys! I am super excited.. I didn't want to leave him yesterday.. When I bought the other K's I would bring them home that day~

I can't wait to train him! Klaatu was the youngest we had and he was about 12-15 months old (Unsure of age), so I did all his training!

I think he is going to be stunning when he is all grown up :D

Definitely gelding him, we don't breed, so he will just be joining my little herd of big black geldings!

This is Klaatu, Kitai and Kyros... Their rugs are always destroyed so they look unloved ;) hahaha

They love each other, so hopefully they like Keltar as well. I am 99% sure they will.. They are all so calm and friendly.

Getting a drink together-

Running up the hill each night-

Klaatu was in the lead for once-
Congratulations Tab!!! What a pretty foal, love his action photos running around you. Perfect name, of course. The K's will be four and I'll never be able to match the names to the right horses! Your photos are always a joy, Tab. Thanks for sharing.
Cute over load!! Heart going pitter-patter! What a GREAT B-day gift! Can't wait to see his growing up pics!
Congratulations Tab!! :D What a beautiful foal, and I LOVE the name Keltar especially with the other K's. Goes perfectly with them lol. So is his coat going to be dark like the others when he grows up?

Was that just a wild King parrot?
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Haha well my birthday isn't for another 11 months, so it is just a very early present ;)

Thank you :D I took 152 photos just of him yesterday, so I will make sure to have many of him growing up to see his change! ;)

Keltar was the name of a Tok'ra on Stargate HAHA :D

I am still trying to decide on his show/registration name..

I watched the imitation game the other day, and I just loved it.. So I wanted 'enigma' in his name..

Funny, we went to the bakery after visiting him.. and strange coincidence that the shop was actually called 'Enigma' :|


It will be

Keltar _____ Enigma..

I can't quite decide..

I do like-

Keltar Infinite Enigma..

Any other suggestions? :)

And yes Julie, he will be black when he is older!

Yep! Just a wild king parrot, there are a few, and lorikeets as well, they just come up and sit there!
What about Midnight as the middle name? I always said if I could have a giant all black gelding I would name him Goliath like the horse in the movie "LadyHawk" one of my favorite movies but I don't think that would go with the other two names. :)
Keltar _____ Enigma, what about Coal? I like the name Goliath too!
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Love the Keltar pics and video, Robin! He already seems quite smitten with you. Sorry to say that the next four months are going to just ooze by at the speed of molasses. Just what happens when you so look forward to something. Hahaha!

As for possible names, I do like Laura's Midnight suggestion. You know, since you've already vetoed all of my most excellent suggestions... Punk! :p
As if I didn't already have enough reasons to be envious of your menagerie, you have to go and add cute baby horse. NO FAIR!

How about

Keltar Desideratum Enigma
It's going to be SO much fun watching this baby grow up! He's a little darling and whatever he becomes will be totally up to his Mummy. Congratulations to the two of you!

My suggestions:

Keltar Tabitha's Enigma
Keltar Anthracite Enigma - anthracite is shiny black coal
Keltar Onyx Enigma - onyx - black semi-precious stone
Keltar Stellar Enigma - 'stellar' means 'starry'
Keltar Asterisk Enigma - same as above, only in Greek
Keltar Vulcan's Enigma - Vulcan - Roman God of iron (blacksmith)
Keltar Hephaestus Enigma - Hephaestus - Greek God of iron
Keltar Weyland Enigma - Anglo Saxon blacksmith God
We all know how...ahem...'well' I do with names, so I leave that part for others. ;)

Tab, Keltar is a 'little' stunner, but I have to say he looks GINORMOUS for a 2 month old. :D

Loved every single picture! :smile015: What exciting times!!! :D
Just look at his head! First, his hindquarters will grow rapidly to match his head and then his forequarters will outgrow them. He'll grow fore and aft until he's around 17hh and then he'll just expand in every direction. He's going to be perfect: huge, enormous quarters to power a fabulous jump (or, indeed, dressage test) and beautiful, graceful leggies like a dancer's AND he'll have lovely feathers on his leggies too (although not so much as his Dad). Our Kate was somewhat troubled with superfluous leggie hair, but we just shaved it off with a little lady-shaver (Kate was Clydie/QH).

What about Keltar Dancer's Enigma?
Trish, you have put out a bevy of wicked names! I know who I'm going to the next time I need a suggestion for a name!
Stephen, my sister has been in the possession of some of the most ridiculously-named horses that walk the earth. It is my mission to make sure That Noble Animal, the Horse, is NEVER saddled with names as gormless as 'Schwizzlestikk' or 'Chippychippyshake' (I kid you not - these are current names of my own sister's horses!!!)

Back in my days as a Pony Club Instructor, we got some beauties.

Blackie - an evil little white pony
Bubbles - another evil little pony that farted like a teakettle
Snowball - we had three Snowballs and they were all - guess what colour?
Brownie - again - guess what colour?
Prince, King, Queenie and Princess - too numerous to mention
Flash - again - numerous
My personal favourite was the beautiful and glamorous Appaloosa named pragmatically 'Spot' by his lumpish owner. SPOT!!! Honestly! They might as well have called him 'Blemish' or 'Acne'!

Wouldn't you think a person lucky enough to own That Noble Animal, the Horse, would think of an equally noble and illustrious name for such a magnificent beast? It has been my experience that Pony Club children number amongst the least imaginative of them all. I say this with confidence as I know full-well our Tab is not a Pony Clubber. :D :D :D

Having had my little rant, I have to be honest and confess that my first pony was called - ahem - 'Ellie Mae' after Ellie Mae Clampett. (Not by me, mind. It was her previous owner's fault!) I liked the name 'Ellie' so much that it's now my daughter's name. :D
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