I didn't know he had a "Happy Hut" too...That could very well be the reason he's not feeling well too, that makes his trip to a Certified Avian Vet even more crucial. Those things have killed literally thousands of birds, and it actually says "Not intended for use with Conures" right on the front of the packaging now because they have killed so many Green Cheeks, Suns, Jendays, etc. They have killed many other birds too, but Conures in particular love to snuggle up in things, and they sit inside and pick slowly at that purple or yellow felt, and over time it builds-up inside of their Crops and their GI Tracts, and then one day they are dead suddenly from an obstruction...Or they literally hang themselves by the neck or leg and die that way. So if you haven't removed it yet, please pitch it immediately!!! Now!!! Here's the link from one of the many pages where hundreds of people who have lost their birds to these things post their pain and stories...
Happy Hut Warning
***The other thing it's no-doubt been doing is causing his hormones to go insane...
Just removing that "Happy Hut" may totally change his personality/attitude towards everyone, not only you. That's how much Green Cheeks are effected by small, dark places...So no Huts, no tents, no boxes, no fabric/cloth of any kind or any "bedding" material like wood chips, nesting material, no towels, blankets, nothing at all that he can get in/get under and that is warm or dark! I'm serious, he may very well snap-out of this in a few days after simply removing that Hut!!! Just allow him to sleep on a perch, that's how they sleep naturally, and he'll be fine. It's the only safe and healthy way to have him, no "beds" at all...
As far as the Blood-Work, any Certified Avian Vet or Avian Specialist will know what basic tests to run, just like when a person has "routine" Blood-Work done...Tell them he's never had any Blood-Work or a Fecal done and you want to have regular Blood-Work done...It will include a CBC, a Metabolic Panel, and then both Liver and Kidney Panels, and then anything else the CAV likes to run for routine wellness. Most of these "panels" include a bunch of different tests within them, so you'll get a full picture of his physical health, you'll know if he has any infections, is anemic, has any nutritional issues, any liver or kidney issues etc. Also, make sure you request/demand a Fecal as well...
After removing that Hut, if you see him ever start to constantly (all the time) adjust his crop, or he ever starts regurgitating/vomiting anything "purple" up, or he ever starts straining to poop, then it's an emergency and he needs to get to a CAV immediately,
tell them he used to have one of those "Happy Huts" and that it was purple in-color,
and that's when he needs a regular x-ray. It's totally normal for them to adjust their crop occasionally or to regurgitation occasionally, but if it becomes constant or if anything purple comes up, then that's when you have to worry...They regularly do necropsy on pet parrots who were found dead in their cages for no reason at all, and they find their entire GI Tracts loaded with that fleece-like fabric those Huts are made of, either yellow, purple, or green...
***But seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if in a few days to a week after removing the "Hut" that his personality towards you and everyone else were to change completely...Quick story about my Green Cheek Conure, Bowie, that may make you feel a bit better...Bowie was hand-raised, I brought him home at 13 weeks old, he's a little sweetheart and loves to cuddle, lets me handled him however I want to, flies to me whenever I call him no matter where he's at, etc. He turned 2 years-old this past April, so he's going-on 3 years-old now. Last year Bowie and my Quaker Parrot, Lita, were downstairs eating their breakfast, while I was in the walk-out level of my house cleaning the Budgie's aviary...I was only down there for 10 minutes, when i came back up I saw my Quaker on their play-gym, but no Bowie...I called him and nothing, no sound from him at all, I spent 15 minutes losing my mind because I couldn't find him...I actually started to think "Either he got out of the house somehow and he's gone, or he's dead in the house somewhere", and I was just frantic...Then I started looking behind/underneath furniture with a flashlight, thinking that Bowie was dead, tears streaming down my eyes..
Then I got down and looked under my couch with the flashlight, and there was Bowie, crouched/bent over because my couch only has about 2 inches of space underneath it. He had been running around underneath the couch "collecting" things and bringing them back to one spot, making a little "nest" for himself, which he was laying/sitting in the middle of....Now Bowie is DNA-tested as a male, and this was really strange to me, but you gotta remember, "small, dark, warm place" he was in...Here's the really strange and alarming part...Bowie was looking right at me, and I was talking to him and asking him to come out, but it was like he was looking at me, but he was in some kind of "trance", and he didn't really see me. He was talking to himself the entire time, half in "Birdy" and half in English, mumbling to himself non-stop, staring at me the whole time, but acting like he couldn't see or hear me at all...It was bizarre and frightening, and I knew this was happening due to his hormones going out of control because he had been in a small, dark, warm place and made himself a little "nest"...But it was still very weird to me...I got tired of trying to get him to come out on his own, so I went and got a yard-stick, and I used it to just "sweep" him forward and out from under the couch...As soon as his head poked out from under the couch, he CHARGED ME, like suddenly ran as fast as he could and latched onto my hand, on the skin between my thumb and my index finger, and refused to let go...Bowie had never ever bitten me before, not ever! Only "play-biting", but that was it...I was bleeding and it hurt so badly, but I made myself not say a word or make a sound, I sat there with him attached to my hand, blood running down, and I worked on prying his beak off for about 2 minutes before he let go. He hit the floor and ran right back under the couch!!! I went and cleaned my hand up and put a Band-Aid on it, and looked back under the couch, and there he was again, mumbling to himself and staring at me...This time I was ready, but before I could sweep him out again he charged at me again! He ran out from under the couch on his own, and this time he attached to the skin on the top of my foot! This one hurt really badly, he wouldn't let go, and this time I was yelling "Bowie, what the f*** is wrong with you?!?"...I don't even remember what I said, lol...I again spent a good minute or two prying his beak off of my foot, and again he hit the floor and ran back under the couch! I went and cleaned my foot up this time, but this wasn't going to happen again...I was ready for him this time, and this time I swept him out from under the couch and grabbed him in a "towel-hold" without a towel, by the back of his head...I immediately put him back in his cage and latched the door (which never happens when I'm at home, all 4 of them are always out whenever I'm home), and I let him "cool off"...About 20 minutes later I heard him calling me like he always does, I have a "contact-call" with each of my birds, and Bowie is the best talker by-far of all of them, he says about 15-20 words/phrases and also is now making sounds like the phone, the doorbell, the microwave, etc. Anyway, he suddenly just started calling me "My Baby! My Baby! Gimme Kisses!" over and over, so I went back downstairs and sat next to his cage...I wanted to make sure it wasn't an ambush, lol...I opened up his cage and he immediately flew right out and onto my shoulder, and kissed my nose, making the "kissing" sound, and was perfectly normal and fine again...It was truly the most bizarre thing I've had happen with one of my own birds in 32 years of owning/breeding parrots...
**So the moral of my long story is that hormones make parrots go insane. And any small, dark, warm place that a parrot can get into or underneath, even just under a towel or blanket quickly, or inside of a dark box, can cause their hormones to flare and rush, and they literally go insane.
There was just another post on the forum a couple of weeks ago with another Conure, I believe in this same Forum-folder, where the owner was concerned about their bird's behavior, I'm trying to remember what the specific problem was...Anyway, after we asked them a bunch of questions they posted a photo of their bird's cage, and guess what was inside? There it was, a bright yellow "Happy Hut". So we all immediately pounced on him about the "Death Hut" (as I like to call them), so he hesitantly removed the Hut from his bird's cage (he said the same thing, his bird loved it so much, he slept in it every night, etc.)...And then the very next day they posted an update saying that their bird's behavior had already done a 180 since he removed the "Happy Hut". So the "Hut" was the root of the problem.
I'm hoping that you're going to find quickly that the "Hut" was causing your buddy's behavioral/personality issues, and that you'll see at least a little change soon after removing the Hut...Either way you must remove it immediately if you haven't already, and NEVER PUT IT BACK IN! Throw it out in the trash where it belongs. Your Green Cheek will sleep perfectly well on a perch, just like they have for millions of years...And please give us an update of any changes you might notice after removing the Hut.
You know what, those Huts aren't "Happy" at all...