male or female kakariki - adding a new bird


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Aug 28, 2020
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hi I'm wondering if our current kakariki is male or female. the lady at bought her from said she was a female. I've attached a photo of her beak.

we want to add another kakariki but are worried the two might not get along. has anyone had issues with housing two?



  • 20200828_200626.webp
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Sadly, I have no knowledge regarding physical differences between KaKariki's.

I'm guessing that an internet search doesn't provide any insight?

Two living together can target their full interest in each other, or truly dislike each other. One never knows for sure. They can join the family or place all their attention with each other, same as above.

Unless your relationship with your current kakariki is very strong and you are getting another because each of you want an additional Parrot and are willing to accept the additional work and expensive. It comes down to your choice.
That has gotta be the cutest face ever!!!!! My heart melted!!!!
Wow I hope you Enter it in some photo of the month contest we have
That is gold
Can’t help with your questions
But man I’m so happy you posted that picture :)!
Kakariki's need to be DNA sexed to be accurately sexed with Lutino birds

With normal Kakarikis they can be sexed through size as males are apporoximately 15 grams heavier and have much brighter red on the front

My best stab at her sexing is that your bird is a hen, as the red does not look as bright as a male would normally be but its hard to sex without any other birds around to compare with
thanks! so she is definitely a female judging by her mating position :)

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