Male acting weird during breeding

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We did remove the male from the female and female started to properly incubate the last remaining egg. Now after 29 days the chick has hatched! Happy days! Here is a fresh pic of the little chick to prove that these are indeed male and female :)

Male got reinstated with the female as soon as we were nearing the end of the incubation, we used the first sounds from the chick within the egg as a sign.

Hallelujah and CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so very happy for all of you.

My young male that is a bit untrustworthy is still feeding the female through cage bars, the chicks are 6 weeks old and all are doing well. Where there's a will, there's a way.

You were certainly right that you had a pair. :)

Oh, did you ever get in touch with Jean Pattison?
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Hallelujah and CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so very happy for all of you.

My young male that is a bit untrustworthy is still feeding the female through cage bars, the chicks are 6 weeks old and all are doing well. Where there's a will, there's a way.

You were certainly right that you had a pair. :)

Oh, did you ever get in touch with Jean Pattison?

Thank you! Nice to hear that your chicks are doing good :)

For the first day everything seemed fine. Now after 1.5 days the male has started to dominate the female and to deny her access to the box once again. We catched the male after we realized that this is the same behaviour and the female is right now with the baby and taking care of it :) Can she feed it alone as there is only one chick? Or do we need to put the male close by on a different cage so that the male can feed her through bars like yours.

We didn't, we felt confident with all the information received from this and other various forums.

Could it be that the male gets frustrated with the feeding and going to the box and rinse and repeat process? Maybe needs activities, flying and free access from the cage at all times? Share your thoughts please :)

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Hi, I have been following your dilemma and am so pleased that everything has turned out well:) Congratulations on the little chick and well done to its parents.
She *can* eat on her own and feed the baby but it will be easier on her if you put the male in a howdy cage next to her that lets him feed through the bars somehow.

Because she has just one chick it will be easier for her to keep up than if she had 2.

Be sure to keep her soft food dish filled several times a day, keep pellets in another dish and some seed in a 3rd dish. This way she can decide what she needs.

I'm not sure what variables might affect the male's behavior in your case. It could be he never was too good at feeding the hen and you can't ask the previous owner.

Maybe he will be willing to feed the chick once it fledges. I'm hoping for that here.

My male is young and is very rambunctious. The reason I don't let him stay in the cage with the hen is because I don't trust that he won't jump in the nestbox and land on the chicks or even nip at them, not that he keeps the hen from entering. I'm hoping he will know to feed the chicks when they beg from him after they leave the nest box on their own.

Meanwhile, this has been a big learning experience for me, to realize that the hen can care for them alone. Rose has two so it is a lot of work. They are old enough now that she doesn't have to spend much time in the box. She mostly goes in to feed them. She begs loudly to the male to come to the cage to feed her, but she also eats a lot on her own.
personally, i wouldn't trust the male around the chick, just my .02 worth.
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Hi JayBro, how is your parrot family doing?

Hey sodakat! Our parrot family is doing great, chick is healthy and noisy :p How is your parrot family doing btw? It was nice hearing from you :).

Here is a latest picture of the cutie, 17 days old on the pic and currently it is 18 days old.


personally, i wouldn't trust the male around the chick, just my .02 worth.

So far the male hasn't done anything aggressive towards the chick. Although he is still dominating female every now and then and we need to control the situation whenever it escalates.
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