Macaw Weights Thread

Terrific news, Plax! You must be breathing much easier now that Salsa is maintaining his weight. :) He is one BIG, sweet, lovable boy.
Yeah, it's something I no longer have to worry about :D. Definitely a relief!
Update on Salsa's weight:

He held in the 1620's for a while, then inched up into the 1660's. I started him on a daily flapping workout regimen and he dropped some weight and seemed to maintain within the 1620/1630g range.

Well, I guess we must be slipping a bit... although he's still doing his workouts each day, he's up quite a bit again (as you can see below).



He's not quite that heavy in the mornings... he'd eaten recently when I snapped the above photos. He's still a big boy, though :rolleyes:
:eek: WOW! Now I now what you meant when you said you can do bicep curls with him. LOL.

Salsa is one BIG happy bundle of red fluff. Perhaps he's like me in the winter,....more food less excercise....:30:
He is one big boy, but my greenwing ranges about the same to, so I don't think there isnt to much to worry about plus if he just ate you can add the extra into the amount of course. Reuben came to us pretty light at like 1600g then inched his way up around 1650g which is healthy I'd say.
I just wanted to throw Montes weight in here...his vet visit yesterday(plucked by himself again) yielded a weight of 1880 grams...:eek::eek: the vet says he's doing a full battery of tests and observing him for a few days...he's not "sick" like Jester was....but we want to make sure he's in good health...

He's plucking more and more frequently, even though our time together has increased....we're always playing, going for rides, outside.....he's getting moodier...biting more often....

I'd post pics, but I have a tapatalk problem that I haven't remedied yet...he's a big healthy bird...really big...but he's plucking again....:(

Back story on him, I'm his 3rd or 4th owner... he's the type that seems to bond to someone and become his past owners wives all said the bird or me(i'd have chosen the bird) ..

His last owner was a real piece of work...he sat in the cage all the time, people taunted him, picked on him...(I just found this out recently)

So..we had him not plucking for the last year approximately.... but last month he started up again.. he eats, plays, talks, has become a tad more us luck :)
He is one big boy, but my greenwing ranges about the same to, so I don't think there isnt to much to worry about plus if he just ate you can add the extra into the amount of course. Reuben came to us pretty light at like 1600g then inched his way up around 1650g which is healthy I'd say.
Yeah, Salsa's morning empty weights have been in the 1650-1670 range lately. It's only after he packs in a meal that he breaks 1700g.
I just wanted to throw Montes weight in here...his vet visit yesterday(plucked by himself again) yielded a weight of 1880 grams...:eek::eek: the vet says he's doing a full battery of tests and observing him for a few days...he's not "sick" like Jester was....but we want to make sure he's in good health...

He's plucking more and more frequently, even though our time together has increased....we're always playing, going for rides, outside.....he's getting moodier...biting more often....

I'd post pics, but I have a tapatalk problem that I haven't remedied yet...he's a big healthy bird...really big...but he's plucking again....:(

Back story on him, I'm his 3rd or 4th owner... he's the type that seems to bond to someone and become his past owners wives all said the bird or me(i'd have chosen the bird) ..

His last owner was a real piece of work...he sat in the cage all the time, people taunted him, picked on him...(I just found this out recently)

So..we had him not plucking for the last year approximately.... but last month he started up again.. he eats, plays, talks, has become a tad more us luck :)
Sorry to hear about Monte's plucking flare up :(. Hopefully you and your vet will get it resolved. It's very cool that you've given him a great home :). It appears he's had a rough past and he sure deserves a break from it :(.

And WOW! 1880 grams?? I've never heard of a Scarlet being anywhere near that heavy. They typically weigh in somewhere between 1000 and 1200g. Monte certainly wins the BIG BOY prize! :D
Brandon, BEST of luck with Monte. YOWSERRRRR...he's one big fellow, huh? :eek:

So sorry about the plucking increase. :( Could it possibly be hormonal at this time of year? Just guessing, really. :) I certainly hope he gets a clean bill of health.
Hey plax, back to the drinking lots of water issue. Have you asked the vet about it? How old is the bird? I'm only mentioning it because it's one of the signs of Vit A deficiency, and related liver damage. yes some birds seem to drink more water than others but the ones with liver issues seem to drink alot.
Re: Re: Macaw Weights Thread

I just wanted to throw Montes weight in here...his vet visit yesterday(plucked by himself again) yielded a weight of 1880 grams...:eek::eek: the vet says he's doing a full battery of tests and observing him for a few days...he's not "sick" like Jester was....but we want to make sure he's in good health...

He's plucking more and more frequently, even though our time together has increased....we're always playing, going for rides, outside.....he's getting moodier...biting more often....

I'd post pics, but I have a tapatalk problem that I haven't remedied yet...he's a big healthy bird...really big...but he's plucking again....:(

Back story on him, I'm his 3rd or 4th owner... he's the type that seems to bond to someone and become his past owners wives all said the bird or me(i'd have chosen the bird) ..

His last owner was a real piece of work...he sat in the cage all the time, people taunted him, picked on him...(I just found this out recently)

So..we had him not plucking for the last year approximately.... but last month he started up again.. he eats, plays, talks, has become a tad more us luck :)
Sorry to hear about Monte's plucking flare up :(. Hopefully you and your vet will get it resolved. It's very cool that you've given him a great home :). It appears he's had a rough past and he sure deserves a break from it :(.

And WOW! 1880 grams?? I've never heard of a Scarlet being anywhere near that heavy. They typically weigh in somewhere between 1000 and 1200g. Monte certainly wins the BIG BOY prize! :D

I honestly think he's a gw...his yellow on his back is a dingy green yellow...i'd post pics...but I need to buy a new tapatalk or figure out how to do it from the
Re: Re: Macaw Weights Thread

Brandon, BEST of luck with Monte. YOWSERRRRR...he's one big fellow, huh? :eek:

So sorry about the plucking increase. :( Could it possibly be hormonal at this time of year? Just guessing, really. :) I certainly hope he gets a clean bill of health.

Thanx for his weight... I knew he was a big boy...I use 60 lbs dumbbells for one arm curls as a warm most birds..I can't even tell they're on my arm...monte, even though that's only about 4 lbs...he's a big boy...

And as far as giving him a home..I had NO choice.... seriously...

I went to the guys house to work on his car for him.. had to swap his transmission... got done..and the guy didn't have the money to pay...his boss was bringing his I sat down to have a glass of ice tea...I hear this scream....I knew right away what it was..

Look down and in walks this BIG red plucked macaw...I had washed all of the grease off of me, and he came right to me...the guy said watch out he bites hard and he... by that time Monte was on my arm and I was scratching his head..he started talking to me...cracker(dang racist bird I'm kidding lol) hello...check it out...

Well according to the guy, he'd never spoke to him..his boss arrives with his money...he hands me my cash...I go to put the bird down, though I didn't want to leave him.. and he starts screaming...

I made the guy a deal...200$ off of my bill for the bird and 100 for his cage..he said he saved 300$ and I got Monte...and he bit me the entire way home...

It was love at first

Then I found out from the guys ex how Monte was treated...I was glad I made the deal...god has a way of ...well...putting two things that need each other it seems. :)
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Hey plax, back to the drinking lots of water issue. Have you asked the vet about it? How old is the bird? I'm only mentioning it because it's one of the signs of Vit A deficiency, and related liver damage. yes some birds seem to drink more water than others but the ones with liver issues seem to drink alot.
Hi henpecked. Salsa recently turned 5. Lately, he hasn't been drinking as much water as before. But he still eats a lot when given the opportunity ;). My vet suggested that Salsa's tendency to play in and drink quite a lot of water while doing so was merely psychogenic and thus a benign thing. But again, Sals has slacked off on the massive water consumption for now. He still loves to pack in the food. though ;)
BTW, Salsa's empty weight this morning is 1678g.
I made the guy a deal...200$ off of my bill for the bird and 100 for his cage..he said he saved 300$ and I got Monte...and he bit me the entire way home...

It was love at first


What a heart warming story, Brandon! It gave me goosebumps up until the part I bolded, LOL.

Love at first bite it was indeed!!!
Lol.. I knew he was going to be difficult..and he has been...but I love him...

Jester was going to be the same way, but I didn't get to him in time..:( I'm a sucker for the under dog :)
So Brandon... obviously Monte is HUGE! But I thought you had mentioned that Jester (the poor Ruby you were helping not long ago who tragically passed away :() was a HUGE bird - please forgive me if my memory is inaccurate on that. I'd think that Jester almost had to have been considerably smaller than Monte, who is at an extraordinarily high weight for a Macaw. I was just thinking about that and got curious.
Big Birds!

Safira will be 2 in June and she's 890 grams (before breakfast. I weigh in the mornings.) She's got a wicked long tail, but a smaller body then most B&G's I've seen.

Jeeves (G&W) was a skin and bones 985 when he was rescued 4 weeks ago, and right now he's 1350 and climbing. It's amazing what actually feeding a bird does. :/
Big Birds!

Safira will be 2 in June and she's 890 grams (before breakfast. I weigh in the mornings.) She's got a wicked long tail, but a smaller body then most B&G's I've seen.

Jeeves (G&W) was a skin and bones 985 when he was rescued 4 weeks ago, and right now he's 1350 and climbing. It's amazing what actually feeding a bird does. :/
Hey, great on Jeeves! That's excellent progress!!! :)
Yes! I've only had him for 2 weeks but it's amazing to see the changes as he gains more weight and starts to fill out. I can't tell you how it broke my heart to see his rib cage all caved-in looking.
Re: Re: Macaw Weights Thread

So Brandon... obviously Monte is HUGE! But I thought you had mentioned that Jester (the poor Ruby you were helping not long ago who tragically passed away :() was a HUGE bird - please forgive me if my memory is inaccurate on that. I'd think that Jester almost had to have been considerably smaller than Monte, who is at an extraordinarily high weight for a Macaw. I was just thinking about that and got curious.

Jester was bigger...but Monte doesn't look that big compared to a feathered bird...he is big...but add feathers and he'd look much bigger...when I see video of salsa, he looks bigger than Monte...he's plucked his entire chest, back, part of his wings....

You that you mention it. I don't think I ever found out what jester weighed...could it be that he was a bigger bird but didn't weigh as much?? I got jester, the vet came and saw him and took him away...I saw jester next to monte for a few moments...:eek:

Jester was longer....I do know that...and definitely seemed a bigger bird..

But I also thought Montes weight was way high..nearly 4 lbs???? It might be why he can't fly..and never has...he doesn't even flap his wings like all my other birds do...lack of exercise???

I know when he pitches on know it...jester, didnt feel as heavy, but was longer, wider wing span probably too...
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