Macaw Chores...BIG mess-makers

I'm not suprised , macaws do love tearing up toys ! I'm thinking of maybe getting a Hahns macaw or mini macaw, just a question. Do they make as much mess as a full large macaw or is less ?
I've read somewhere that they can chew on lumber untreated with chemicals. A good place to pick up all the little scraps of 2X4's and such for FREE would be wherever they are building new homes. Most contractors dont mind you taking the scrap pieces because they have to dispose of them anyway. Just ask first.
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ROFLMAO!!!!!!!! imagine having TWO GW's!!! Ain't nothing safe!!!!

Not sure if I mentioned this yet, but when I cook in the kitchen, they are ALWAYS caged, I have no doubt they would try to climb in a heated pan if it had the right food in it!!!

Oh and BTW, you talk funny! :p:D:54: You ain't from 'round these parts, is ya???:11:

(sagte der Texas Junge mit dem Akzent) :D;)
You may feel a bit better after I tell you this, when Willie was younger he goes through toys like no tomorrow and the mess is like your cages daily!!!!! As he mature, it's not as bad, he don't go through his toys as much as he used to. None of my birds do, but they have their moment...I feel you on the cleaning part, it can be hectic cleaning their mess on a daily basis, we sweep and vacuum daily, it's a never ending things we do for our birds.... :)
I'm not suprised , macaws do love tearing up toys ! I'm thinking of maybe getting a Hahns macaw or mini macaw, just a question. Do they make as much mess as a full large macaw or is less ?

I'm fairly sure the bigger the bird, the bigger the mess. ;) My Amazons do NOT compare to the big guys at all. Of course they make messes, but they are TINY in comparison. :)
I've read somewhere that they can chew on lumber untreated with chemicals. A good place to pick up all the little scraps of 2X4's and such for FREE would be wherever they are building new homes. Most contractors dont mind you taking the scrap pieces because they have to dispose of them anyway. Just ask first.

Yup, lumber is what I buy - on a weekly basis. :) Both Home Depot and Lowe's know me by my first name. :o
2X4s are cheap enough. :D
Oh and BTW, you talk funny! :p:D:54: You ain't from 'round these parts, is ya???:11:

(sagte der Texas Junge mit dem Akzent) :D;)

ROFLMAO. :D AND you said that German sentence with NO accent at all. :eek:
Oh and BTW, you talk funny! :p:D:54: You ain't from 'round these parts, is ya???:11:

(sagte der Texas Junge mit dem Akzent) :D;)

ROFLMAO. :D AND you said that German sentence with NO accent at all. :eek:

Too Funny!! Since WharfRat is Texan like me Wendy, I am willing to bet he DID say that German sentence with an accent...just not YOUR accent...LOL:p:D
Too Funny!! Since WharfRat is Texan like me Wendy, I am willing to bet he DID say that German sentence with an accent...just not YOUR accent...LOL:p:D

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! He ought to record it...and then play it, so I can have a REAL good laugh. :D
You may feel a bit better after I tell you this, when Willie was younger he goes through toys like no tomorrow and the mess is like your cages daily!!!!! As he mature, it's not as bad, he don't go through his toys as much as he used to. None of my birds do, but they have their moment...I feel you on the cleaning part, it can be hectic cleaning their mess on a daily basis, we sweep and vacuum daily, it's a never ending things we do for our birds.... :)

Oh that's SO good to know. Seriously! I'm sure by the time my guys have matured and calmed down, my knees will be missing a good amount of cartiledge. :54:
HOLY COW. My flock of littles seem like angels now. ;)
holy mackerel! and i am looking into a gw. :O all of a sudden, i don't know if i can afford their play habits. :( maybe it will have to be a dream bird. but at least i am realizing this now and not after i get one. maybe i should look into something a little less destructive. until i know for sure i can handle one of these guys. for the birds sake.

It is nice you are researching and learning everything you need to know about macaws. It appears alot of people that own macaws make thier own toys or are known by the lumber yard. I plan on getting a mini macaw because righ now I am not prepared for a large macaw.
Thank you for sharing Wendy. I know my dad thought my cockatil, budgie and green cheek conure I had when growing up were messy birds that produce dust and feathers but I will have to remind him he never lived with a Macaw.
One more reinforcement of my choice to have one little bundle of joy. ;)
Sorry for bumping this thread, I saw this linked in one of the threads you responded to. I just want to say I will complain less about picking up after my conure after seeing your videos lol! But seriously, you did all that work in 2 hours?! That is the amount of time I spend cleaning just 1 cage (plus vacuum). You must have an efficient system.

Ripley and Niko are so cute. I love your accent btw!
I want to see the amazons now :D
Sorry for bumping this thread, I saw this linked in one of the threads you responded to. I just want to say I will complain less about picking up after my conure after seeing your videos lol! But seriously, you did all that work in 2 hours?! That is the amount of time I spend cleaning just 1 cage (plus vacuum). You must have an efficient system.

Ripley and Niko are so cute. I love your accent btw!

It took me a while to get the system figured out, but now I've got it down pretty well. :D

And thank you!!
I'm glad BoomBoom bumped this thread! I love seeing videos of bird rooms to give me ideas. Frankie is very shy when it comes to new toys so I have to introduce them slowly, but I think she's starting to warm up a little faster the longer I have her. I've been reading up on home-made toy ideas for a while and I'm going to start getting together some supplies now. She's been pretty content with the few she has now, and I supplement with paper for her to shred and letting her explore the house. Although I feel I'm pretty lucky...Frankie doesn't tear stuff up anywhere near like Ripley does. I'm pretty glad for that too.

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