Looking for a new Parrot Friend - all the way in New Hampshire!


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May 8, 2018
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Hi all -

I'm not sure what the best thread is to post this question, so I'm hoping it'll gain some traction here. If not, please let me know and I'll repost to the correct thread.

My Hahn's macaw recently passed away and I'm ready to open up to a new feathery friend again. When I moved to NH, I had to get a vet health certificate that I had to get a permit number from the NH agriculture department to allow my parrot to enter the state. He flew Alaska Cargo and I had to pick him up in Massachusetts and drive back to NH.

I've been considering Rehoming through a sanctuary, but I don't have enough references in the area to be considered, and my family has family cats and dogs - friendly but will be in separate rooms if I am able to find a parrot to take care of again as a precaution. I've seen the agencies decline if there are "predators" in the home also. So, I'm reluctant to apply.

I've started to look into adopting a new parrot, or rehoming and possibly into other reputable breeders out of state (New Hampshire). Some breeders mark on their site that they are able to ship to East Coast, but I'm not entirely sure how that works. If anyone is able to give suggestions on reputable breeders in or near NH, that'd be very helpful to me. I've been missing having a birdy friend to keep me company. Or, if anyone sheds light on how the whole "ship to you" thing works, that'd be great too. I tried to ask once, and there was no response. If anyone has had any experience in shipping/receiving animals that way, I'd love your input.

Thanks in advance!
Several folks on here have purchased birds from breeders or larger parrot only type shops. most I remember have not had issues. Me, I'd be worrying the whole time! if NH has laws about bringing a given species into the state, it might complicate things a bit.
Welcome to the forums! I moved this thread to “Birds Wanted” for you 😊

Best of luck finding a new feather baby.
Several folks on here have purchased birds from breeders or larger parrot only type shops. most I remember have not had issues. Me, I'd be worrying the whole time! if NH has laws about bringing a given species into the state, it might complicate things a bit.
Thanks! Me too - NH law regarding exotic animals are a handful of breeds not allowed, but the parrots I am interested in (Medium sized) are accepted into the state. I'm just more concerned about how the breeder is able to ship and how I would be able to get the parrot into the state since a permit number needs to be on the Vet Certificate, at least that's what I was told when bringing my baby here! It's all so confusing to me lol
Still looking for a feathered friend? We are looking for long-term boarding (up to 1 year) for our quaker parrot Chopper, starting in July of 2024. We are going overseas on a sabbatical, which is why we need long-term boarding. Chopper is healthy, happy, and much loved bird (my husband and kids taker her out every day). So if you wanted to "test the waters" for a year, maybe this would be of interest?

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