Good Breeders who harness train


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Feb 8, 2024
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Nanday conure
Sun conure
Hi, Iā€™m looking to get a new parrot but I want to get one from a breeder that also harness trains their birds. Also Iā€™m open to shipping if theyā€™re reputable and trusted. I live in Florida and if I donā€™t find any Iā€™m just gonna buy an unweaned parrot (I do have experience from two of my birds and was taught by a breeder), because without harness training I just donā€™t feel like Iā€™m giving them the best out of their lives. I wish parrots can also go out for walks and see the sun like dogs, idk why only dogs get the luxury to be out but every other known pet is stuck within four walls. And for anyone who is up for it, I do know a really good one in Texas who does ship at your own cost and they actually harness train their birds! They are on the pricier margins for the parrots which is understandable since theyā€™re so well trained and adapted to people. itā€™s called JC Aviary. I just want to have more options and see who else does this since I feel every breeder should harness train, itā€™s pretty hard to train birds with harness if they arenā€™t used to it and take a long time.
You likely wonā€™t find any breeder who harness trains. Harness training is something best done for birds who are at least 6 months old. Starting young is good but a baby bird will be too small for any harness. Harness training will also depend on the bird and what they are willing to accept or not - it takes A LOT of time and dedication to train. Iā€™ve been harness training my girl for over a year now.

Even without a harness your bird can still enjoy the outdoors from a bird backpack or travel carrier outside.

Please do your research on unweaned babies before considering one.

Some suggested reading:

You likely wonā€™t find any breeder who harness trains. Harness training is something best done for birds who are at least 6 months old. Starting young is good but a baby bird will be too small for any harness. Harness training will also depend on the bird and what they are willing to accept or not - it takes A LOT of time and dedication to train. Iā€™ve been harness training my girl for over a year now.

Even without a harness your bird can still enjoy the outdoors from a bird backpack or travel carrier outside.

Please do your research on unweaned babies before considering one.

Some suggested reading:

Yea I know itā€™s very hard to find a breeder who does also train, I have found one so far. And for me personally harness training after the weaning period is super hard since itā€™s just in their nature to reject a foreign object around their body no matter how cuddly they are. But for very young babies they just accept everything and it becomes something normal to them which is why I wanted them trained from the start so it wonā€™t be a struggle to keep up with that.
And yea I know backpacks are great, I do want them to also feel the world, and mostly want a harness trained bird since the bigger birds wonā€™t fit, one of my untrained conures (whoā€™s EXTREMELY cuddly and has zero survival instincts, but still wonā€™t fully wear a harness) will fit great in those backpacks, the other ive already trained since she was a baby, but Iā€™m thinking of getting a cockatoo so it wonā€™t be such a comfy ride for it.

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