Little Tiny is growing! :)


Here is a little pic of my Tiny snuggling under my chin. Words can't express how much I love this little man but a picture tells a thousand words :)
He is the most affectionate, clingy, friendly little fella. He's also starting to talk and whistle which is cute beyond words.
Awwwwww....Tiny is already looking sooooo much better then when you first got him..... :)
Thanks Mikey his tail feathers were ratty strands when I got him and now they are smooth and rounded. Hopefully they will grow long
that is the cutest picture, I am so happy for you that he is doing so much better!!
So Tiny is now starting to show an interest in the "ladies". Lol. Right now he is putting on quite the display to Monica, head bobbing and whistling at her. It's really cute.

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