Let's count to 1,000!


But who actually likes school?
Angela ist mein Wellensittich

Cockatoos are beautiful but terrifying
682 Yeah they are have you ever seen a redtailed black cockatoo so majestic tho... Almost worth it. Nope I take that back lol i dont wanna cockatoo everrrrr.
Coming back to German - I've just reminded something from school...
We had to learn animal names in German including "parrot" and "budgie" . During making one exercise we had to sign animal photos and my friend asked me "Is it a budgie or just a parrot?" Me: "Canary."
Coming back to German - I've just reminded something from school...
We had to learn animal names in German including "parrot" and "budgie" . During making one exercise we had to sign animal photos and my friend asked me "Is it a budgie or just a parrot?" Me: "Canary."
683. You know much more German than me lol. I cannot compare.
Lol, my German level is A1 :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
I know some parrot names in German for fun (however budgie was on my school classes)
Lol, my German level is A1 :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
I know some parrot names in German for fun (however budgie was on my school classes)
685 How cool!
For fun I know parrots names in few languages :p
EN: I have five parrots: 3 Bourke's parrots, a green cheeked conure and a budgie
DE: Ich habe fünf Papageien: 3 Bourkesittiche, ein Molinasittich und ein Wellensittich
CZ: Mám pět papoušků: 3 néofemy Bourkův, pyrura zelenolicí a andulka
PL (native:p): Mam pięć papug: 3 lilianki, rudosterka zielonolica i papużka falista
At the beginning I wanted to inflect parrot names but I didn't know how to do it in Czech
690 Oki I've been beat I surrender.
But I am still able to talk in just 2 languages
692 that's really cool. Also do any of you guys have birds you really want in particular? I know i do but in my defence lol everyone here has more birds than I do.
694 yeah we are!
To be honest - I think I shouldn't have brids
696 Honestly probably no one should but we have birds in captivity who need families. But i kinda feel like im obligated to take care of the ones that live in captivity because they don't know how to live in the wild.

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