Let's count to 1,000!


The Brookfield Zoo has a new exhibit with a walk in aviary containing 850 budgies. You can feed them treat sticks!!

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I love the cross-eyed look of 'tiels and 'toos when eating/chewing.

I never thought I’d own a Tiel since I’m a large/medium bird person. But I’m in love with my little guy. (Cinnamon whiteface pearl)

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I'm happy because today 3 little Bourkies hatched out :):)

Northern White Faced Owl. Not exactly a “bird”, but it has feathers and is a creature of flight still. Very interesting how it changes forms based on threat level. I like the “dracula” form the best (shifts and sucks in its body to blend in with the tree). If I could own one, I’d consider it. But I suppose creatures of prey should stay in the wild lol.

Love to watch the rare birds at my feeders. Saw an evening grosbeak as well as rosebreasted grosbeaks.

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Shorts 360

I love Red Front Macaws! I especially like to watch them fly!

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3 days ago I had 3 little Bourkies, now I have 5 their
I love going to pet stores and just look at all the babies! I often take a weekend trip visiting all the various bird stores in area.

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I love the bird store at the flea market and hope they stay there for a long time.

Shopping online for bird supplies is much safer. Going to bird stores tempts me too much to buy a bird.

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Went to bird store yesterday. I do not need finches. I do not need finches. I do not need finches.

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I love holidays

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