laying eggs


Jun 8, 2018
double yellow-head amazon...Angel
blue-front amazon...Blue
I've been noticing my parrot who's a DYH is laying eggs not unusual, however there just membrane no shell so my question has anyone else experienced this and if so should I be concerned?
also she's been plucking her feathers to the point where her side is nearly bald. don't know to do to help her
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I dont have a idea of why but hopefully this comment moves this post up.
I’m not a vet.
But it sounds like calcium deficiency.
Eggshells are made of mostly calcium so no eggshells = no calcium.

I would take her to a certified avian vet right away.
If it’s chronic egg laying she may need a hormone shot.
Think it’s called Lupron or some such.

Good luck.
I agree with Texsize. No shell = bad for the bird's health, as they start using their bones as a source of calcium to produce eggs. Eventually, the bones become brittle and bones can break. YOu want that nipped in the butt ASAP. Until then, offer mashed chicken eggs with the shell in it. It's the best thing for layers!

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