Last minutes decisions and nail-biting worry :(


New member
Mar 1, 2014
Vancouver, Canada
Sootie- Yellow-sided GCC
So for those of you who haven't been keeping up with my story: I got my baby YSGCC Sootica in March, and shortly after in June, had to make the tough decision to move back to England. There was never a question of whether or not to take her with me, and I started the long, expensive and arduous process of applying for CITES papers and import/export permits.

I am now, at the time of typing this, 9 days away from my flight, and still haven't received all my effing paperwork. Sootie is in quarantine in my house, inspected by a wildlife trade authority representative (at no small expense). She's had various blood tests and has to be subjected to a further H5N1 test on Monday, the sample for which has to be taken at my home since she'll still be in quarantine up until my departure date.

I haven't yet received either my licence to import a pet bird or my CITES import permit from the UK authorities. I've been informed I'll hear of the decision within the next two days, but that they might request more information. If that happens, it's all over. I don't have time to get more information to them before my departure on the 27th, and my baby will have to be re-homed.

I'm sick with anxiety and worry over what's going to happen in the next few days. Please send positive thoughts our way :(
:( I know you've done so much research to be able to bring Sootie. I really really hope all works out in the end!
Wow that sounds like quite an ordeal. I couldn't imagine going through something like that. Guess i'll never move out of country ^^

I wish you and Sootie the best luck!! I hope it goes well
Ugh, I have tasted a very mild version of that hassle getting my birds to Hawaii, but the fear was very real when things were falling apart at the last minute. I will be praying for the paperwork! I truly hope things get where they need to be! Do you have any friends or family that can take your bird?
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I only know two people who are bird people here in Vancouver. One has another female YSGCC and he's a great parront to her, but he lives with his parents and his dad is an alcoholic and has a habit of getting drunk and taking the birds outside. They lost their budgie this was. Sootie isn't well recall trained and she would take off if he got her outside, for sure, so that's a no-no.

The other is a really lovely and trustworthy girl I know who Sootie adores (she's watching her this weekend while I'm in Portland), who used to own lovebirds. The problem is that she works three jobs, and is hardly ever home, and Sootie is used to lots of face time and at least 8 hours a day out of her cage, so I don't know how well she'd do in that environment :(
This is so sad. I wish I could just say "no worries, I will take her for you" but I am in Hawaii, and by now there is no time to do all the paperwork to even make that possible :( I truly feel for your situation! Perhaps the busy girl with three jobs could take her just long enough to get the permits worked out? Or to find a home that is right for her? I am so very sorry you are going through this, here's hoping everything just works out in the end!
I am so hoping and praying that your paperwork comes through, and soon so you don't have to worry anymore.
I am hoping that you won't have to find anyone to take her, she belongs with you:)
With that being said, I am in AB, and if the worst happened I would keep her for you if you could get her here.
Hey Kiwibird, I'm heading to Portland tomorrow for the weekend, to watch the whitecaps game!

It's going to be warm and sunny this weekend:) I don't follow sports, but I hope you have fun here in Portland!
Update??? I am biting my nails!
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I still haven't heard anything. It's just turning Monday morning in the UK now and office hours aren't open yet. I'm hoping by the time I wake up, I'll have a message from them

My weekend in portland was awesome and my little girl was so excited when we (my brother and I) came home. She kept shrieking and peeping and snuggling us (after giving a few choice bites to tell us not to do that again).
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Well the CITES import permit has been issued today. I had to get that one before I could get the import licence, so now I'm just waiting to hear on the licence. All very frustrating but a big relief they didn't ask for more information.

Now just have to hope the actual paperwork makes it in time
One obstacle over with:)
Will the license have to be mailed to you? If so, can you pay to have it overnighted?
I am so hoping and praying that this all comes together for you.
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I think the licence can be scanned and emailed, but the cites permit has to be mailed, and I have asked if I can pay to have it express delivery. The time difference is very frustrating because the working day is closing just as I'm waking up here, so it essentially puts everything behind one day
So the Cites permit is coming form the UK?
I have lost count, how many days are left?
Oh my gosh, so close:(
I am definitely sending positive vibes your way.
Sending you lots of good, positive energy! I'm sure everything will work out fine for you and Sootie! We are all here for you!

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