A lot has happened to roy today


Active member
Nov 23, 2022
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Saudi Arabia, Dammam
3 year old indian ringneck
Hey i wish you and your birds a great day! :)
So a lot has happened to roy today, some negative and positive things to be honest
We have taken roy outside today and he seemed really happy to be outside (last time he left was in January) i never really take him outside the house unless we travel or when we go clip his nails, or when we go to a vet for a check up etc
Also i do take him to the frontyard occasionally, but not much because i have a fear of him flying away (that happened with my previous birds) so honestly the majority of his time is in the house or the frontyard but mostly the house
Anyway i feel like im getting off topic, today when we took him outside we went to 3 different pet stores, in the first pet store we clipped his nails and i convinced my family to not clip his wings because birds are meant to fly anf it would be cruel its like having no legs as a human Anyway, I somehow persuaded them which was quite surprising but im glad. although something happener when we were clipping his wings - The employee at the pet store seemed to clip them in a rush and he accidentally made him bleed i was so scared and worried but thank god it only bled once and it stopped afterwards and even when we got home I took tissues and generally cleaned his nails again just to be safe, there was a dry bloodstain which i scrubbed off. Tell me if i should do anything else, but the bleeding stopped. Anyway after we clipped his nails we went to two different pet stores (we were planning to go to one but turns out there were two pet stores next to each other) so we decided to go to both pet stores the first pet store we went to had lots of parrots but they were really expensive and overpriced plus they were all unfriendly and they bite a lot anf to add onto all that they were sick so that petstore was not great, we went to the 2nd pet stire and they had reasonable prices in fact cheap proces and we we're looking for a wife for Roy we found 3 IRNs but one of them had this strange head condition and according to the pet store employee they have "a disease that makes their head puffy and filled with air" do any of you have some kind of information on that? Anyway the 2 other IRNs were good but my dad said its too early and we should check out other pet stores.. anyway thats basically all we just looked for a companion for roy!

(I will attach a picture of roy when he was getting his nails clipped today)

And again, i wish you and your birds a great day and thank you for reading :)


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My friend, do you have a leg chain on Roy when you take him out? Or a harness? If not, I guarantee 100%, you can have my kids, that one day something will startle him and he will fly away. I made the same mistake many years ago, my spectacled Amazon, who used to go bar hopping with me, to the laundramat, food shopping all the time, with no restraints. And one day a truck nearby hit his horn loudly, and POOF.. he was gone, never to be seen again. Heartbreaking. Don't be that person.
My friend, do you have a leg chain on Roy when you take him out? Or a harness? If not, I guarantee 100%, you can have my kids, that one day something will startle him and he will fly away. I made the same mistake many years ago, my spectacled Amazon, who used to go bar hopping with me, to the laundramat, food shopping all the time, with no restraints. And one day a truck nearby hit his horn loudly, and POOF.. he was gone, never to be seen again. Heartbreaking. Don't be that person.
i will definitely buy one but where can i get one? Also keep in mind i take him in his cage and once we go in the pet store he cant fly away. Anyway losing your amazon over a trucks horn must've been very painful and saddening.. I am sorry for your loss, did the trucker apologize?
i will definitely buy one but where can i get one? Also keep in mind i take him in his cage and once we go in the pet store he cant fly away. Anyway losing your amazon over a trucks horn must've been very painful and saddening.. I am sorry for your loss, did the trucker apologize?
Not the trucker's fault for using his horn while driving on a public street. He probably didn't even notice the human with a parrot sitting on his shoulder. A bird outdoors unleashed and fully flighted will ultimately fly away. I hope he was eventually found and taken good care of.

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