Kokkie’s crumbs, pieces of a Grey’s story.

This morning while reviewing docs from YNL branches around the world, Kokkie sent a reply via express courier to send LPOA files asap. Kokkie has grown weary of sending the parakeets to do her bidding in this tiresome onslaught of legal woes. In one part of the file she has asked YNL to move on the forced purchase of her condo. She heard a ring neck might be approved to live on site. She’s not sure that she approves of new rabble.

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Do birds really do this? Don't they get whiplash?
The representatives asked if they could review the documents in private. Sara, lifted her legal pad and placed it and her paperwork in her case as her security staff and manager left the room. As Sara approached the door, she turned and stated that She had rented a Villa and hoped that they had like accommodations as she had received several additional inquires from over 46% of the other owners with like complains and expect that number to grow rapidly.

Dial extension #32 if you need anything, good bye for now, gentle-parrots!

As Sara closed the door behind her, she could easily hear the Screaming. She smiled as she noted a Text from Julio! As she reviewed the text, she saw that Leonardo had provide additional personal information regarding the financial status of each board member and their criminal records and/or other activities. He also stated that he had RB currently booked and onboard a commercial flight and, he will contact her once he had verified and further review the activities of each. Julio had spoken with the Judge whom he had a long relationship with over the years he had worked in Africa. Sara smiled as she was reviewing the dialog of what was happening in the conference room, she smiled and turned to the manager and asked if she had their clients phone number and whether it was a secured line?
I’ve been thinking a lot about what is helping me get Kokkie to stop plucking and shredding her feathers. I wanted to share our ongoing experience. When Kokkie gets anxious, she tends to shred and pluck. So the first thing I did was spend lots of time with her. Exposing her to the rest of the house, hanging out with her on my knee (shoulder privileges are rare), figuring out what she likes to do.

I stumbled on the fact that she loves to tear soft things apart. So I got easily shreddable toys mixed with hard wood pieces. She didn’t go for them for months but I was faithful to have them for her. Slowly, she began checking them out. Now she destroys things like normal grey. She is still learning how to play tho.

Also, by chance, I noticed she wanted to tear any cloth. I had old towels and watched as she began her artistic career in shredded art. I’ve been careful and made sure she wasn’t eating the towels. She shreds them to microscopic bits.

So I keep the torn towels and toys around. It’s distracted her enough to mostly leaving her feathers alone. I’m so happy! I’d rather her shred things than herself.

I also insist on baths which she hates. But being clean and having good food is part of the journey as well.

Love my little vampire. Vet thinks she may get some neck feathers after all. If so I hope she keeps her little red bow tie.

Parrots are work but keeping us busy is a kind of stress reliever as well for us the caretakers. It’s a win-win.
I’ve been thinking a lot about what is helping me get Kokkie to stop plucking and shredding her feathers. I wanted to share our ongoing experience. When Kokkie gets anxious, she tends to shred and pluck. So the first thing I did was spend lots of time with her. Exposing her to the rest of the house, hanging out with her on my knee (shoulder privileges are rare), figuring out what she likes to do.

I stumbled on the fact that she loves to tear soft things apart. So I got easily shreddable toys mixed with hard wood pieces. She didn’t go for them for months but I was faithful to have them for her. Slowly, she began checking them out. Now she destroys things like normal grey. She is still learning how to play tho.

Also, by chance, I noticed she wanted to tear any cloth. I had old towels and watched as she began her artistic career in shredded art. I’ve been careful and made sure she wasn’t eating the towels. She shreds them to microscopic bits.

So I keep the torn towels and toys around. It’s distracted her enough to mostly leaving her feathers alone. I’m so happy! I’d rather her shred things than herself.

I also insist on baths which she hates. But being clean and having good food is part of the journey as well.

Love my little vampire. Vet thinks she may get some neck feathers after all. If so I hope she keeps her little red bow tie.

Parrots are work but keeping us busy is a kind of stress reliever as well for us the caretakers. It’s a win-win.
Here’s today’s pic. Little red bow tie feather hanging in there.

As Sara was entering the main Yellow Nape Terminal, her phone rang! She smiled as she was expecting Julio's call! He updated her on the request for her to return to Europe as her mother was becoming very busy with the increase in business. Sara asked if he had heard anything more from our client as Julio stated only from the Judge and according to our Accounting we have received full payment. He asked if she had received the tickets, as she stated yes and that she would catch the airport transport bus. Julio smiled and added that she will be flying back with one of our security offices who will debrief her and update her on activities in Northern Germany. Julio ended the call with, see you here in the morning, bye for now. Sara repeated it and ended the call!

Sara saw him before he had a chance to say anything as she opened her wings and he disappeared in a cloud of Blue and Gold feathers. Sara had guessed it would be him as she caught the sight of him out of the corner of my eye last evening. As they walked thru the Hanger, he took her tickets and dropped them in the Hanger Managers Office and turned to Sara, and stated; our flight is ready Sara as we are taking YN's North Bound 747-900 cargo flight. I have several projects that I must update you on. As they climbed the stairway to the upper deck entry, he began with general lite review of South Africa intelligence and the finer bits of the legal activities she had just completed. As they entered the aircraft, they were greeted the flightcrew and Sara was provided a legal binder, as the Pilot stated that they would be underway shortly as another crew member closed the aircrafts hatch and locked it.

A side from the crew, they were the only other passengers onboard. They listened to the flightcrew begin the start-up and rechecks as the newer 747-900 came alive. The Pilot announced that they had received approval to proceed to the runway and to complete final preparation for take-off as there was an aircraft on final approach and they are first in line for take-off, please assure that you seatbelts are...

Sara began her debrief as she could see the incoming aircraft. a short couple of minutes later and they had turned onto the runway as they heard the four, big, newer engines come to take-off RPM and a moment later they where quickly on their way to take-off speed. Moments later she felt the aircraft rotate and lift and could hear the landing gear outer covers closed as the aircraft rushed toward the North as it quickly climbed-out. She smile and continued her debrief.
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Now that antics are over back to supervising.

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Well thank Heavens the Chief Supervisor is on duty. Otherwise goodness only knows what sort of slacking off the household humans might get up to if left to their own devices!!! :eek:

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