Kidney infection

Hi all. Heard from the vet......Milo ate!! Apparently almost finished off a whole bowl! They say he is still a bit depressed, but definitely getting better. They are still keeping him for the weekend though.

But so far this news is giving me hope! [emoji18]
Aw, that is positive news. :)
Come on Milo - keep getting better so you can go home.
If you are able to visit him, that might be helpful! He must miss you!
Sending positive and happy wishes to you both. Hope you get better soon little Milo. :)
That is such good news! I am so hoping he is over the worst of it and can come home on Monday.
That is great news!

I would seriusly get him on aloe detox as soon as possible. Mix it 50/50 with his favorite juice, and let him drink his fill. It really does work wonders at improving liver and kidney function, and it isn't in any way toxic. This will speed up his recovery immeasurably.

I know I must sound like a broken record, but please trust me on this one!!! This stuff is worth its weight in gold if your bird has liver or kidney problems.

Pecker was sent home from the vet on comfort measures, with liver values in the this bird should be dead range. Two months later, on aloe detox, her liver values were within the normal limits range!!! The results were that dramatic!!!
Ah, glad to hear your buddy's on the upswing!!
You guys are the best! I believe that all your prayers and well wishes made a huge difference. They still requested that I don't come see him, which is hard, but I trust they know best, hard as it is.

Thank you Mark, I will definitely start him on Aloe detox as soon as possible. I know you have many years of experience, I really appreciate the input. As long as he stays with me for many years still, Lol.
Milo's progress seems hopeful and I hope he continues to improve!

Slightly OT, but you mentioned the vet rebuffed your desire to visit. I've had similar experiences and wonder why? While it would be comfortable for me, it is really all about the patient - might it be too stimulative and outweigh the joys of seeing a familiar person? Do birds in a hospital setting feel dejected when the owner departs?
Slightly OT, but you mentioned the vet rebuffed your desire to visit. I've had similar experiences and wonder why? While it would be comfortable for me, it is really all about the patient - might it be too stimulative and outweigh the joys of seeing a familiar person? Do birds in a hospital setting feel dejected when the owner departs?

My guess from having worked a bit in the field, is that maybe the place is small, and they have A LOT going on in the back such as surgery, treatments, very ill pets, and a myriad of other things to have the public go back there. Maybe also the reason is emotional, so that the pet doesn't get all excited and re-injure itself, or have it be pining away when the owner leaves once again? Of course just a guess as I don't know this particular office.
Maybe also the reason is emotional, so that the pet doesn't get all excited and re-injure itself, or have it be pining away when the owner leaves once again?

This is exactly why they say it is better not to see him. Especially in very bonded birds, like milo, they dont understand why you keep leaving them in that horrible place with horrible people doing unspeakable things to them. (I am sure that is how it must feel to them, right?) Being caught, restrained, injected etc, mom comes to visit but leaves me here? I suppose that must feel like repeated abandoning to them an have a depressive effect on the bird? I don't think they grasp the concept that it is for their own good to be there.
How is Milo? We've been hoping for his speedy recovery all weekend. I just got back from a weekend away and have been concerned about him.
Thank you Robin. Seeing as yesterday was Sunday, all i got was a text saying he is doing well and eating well. I am hoping that he will come home today, but i normally only hear from them at around 9. That would be in another 3 hours.

I am now worried about Charlie again, did not eat well yesterday. But i will monitor him this morning and see if he was just too busy causing chaos yesterday, or if he has relapsed from him pneumonia. I am very paranoid right now.
Maybe also the reason is emotional, so that the pet doesn't get all excited and re-injure itself, or have it be pining away when the owner leaves once again?

This is exactly why they say it is better not to see him. Especially in very bonded birds, like milo, they dont understand why you keep leaving them in that horrible place with horrible people doing unspeakable things to them. (I am sure that is how it must feel to them, right?) Being caught, restrained, injected etc, mom comes to visit but leaves me here? I suppose that must feel like repeated abandoning to them an have a depressive effect on the bird? I don't think they grasp the concept that it is for their own good to be there.

Hi Milo....I haven't one thru any internal problems yet with my birds..but when one of my birds broke it's leg a couple year back, it was a nightmare running back and forth to vet to see my bird.

I felt the same way wonder how the bird thinks, I'm leaving him there with people that are poking him, putting IV dripp in him....and etc

Birds are emotional creatures, they sense our emotions and know when we really love them....My bird has since recovered and has a special bond with me that is hardtop he knows I did what I had to do to make him better and now it's like he shows deep affection. They Know....they know......
I just saw this thread for the first time. I'm so sorry Milo is ill, but I'm glad you caught it early. Sending you and Milo big hugs and hope for a full recovery.
Milo is home!!! I can still see he is not 100%, has a bit of a "I feel sorry for myself" look to him, but I know that he is probably not quite feeling himself yet. His mom is very glad to have him back!
Charlie also ate much better to today, so I am hopeful everything if back on track now.

Thank you to everyone for their support during this time. It meant a lot to me!!
Milo is home!!! I can still see he is not 100%, has a bit of a "I feel sorry for myself" look to him, but I know that he is probably not quite feeling himself yet. His mom is very glad to have him back!
Charlie also ate much better to today, so I am hopeful everything if back on track now.

Thank you to everyone for their support during this time. It meant a lot to me!!

Whew! Give 'em all hugs and spend extra time to celebrate!!
Yay Milo!

So glad he's back. He's probably having a little sulk because you left him for a few days. Bet he'll be fine after a cuddle.

Hope Milo and Charlie both continue to do well. :)

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