Jenday vs. Sun Conure?

*Snip Excellent conure species info.*

So I guess suns are abit prettier with all the yellow, but jendays are a little less ear piercing (its still pretty bad) so take your pick! They are both very similar.

I would beg to differ ma'am!! :) I love the way Guido's wings start off a brilliant green and lead on to an almost midnight blue.
*Snip Excellent conure species info.*

So I guess suns are abit prettier with all the yellow, but jendays are a little less ear piercing (its still pretty bad) so take your pick! They are both very similar.

I would beg to differ ma'am!! :) I love the way Guido's wings start off a brilliant green and lead on to an almost midnight blue.

Hey, I won't argue with you! :p I'm quite partial to Alex's colours too now. They are pretty little guys!

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