Jenday Conure laying too many eggs?


New member
Aug 28, 2024
Jenday & Sun Conure
Hi Everyone, wondering if you guys might know more about this. I have two hand raised birds, a female jenday & male sun conure (which I thought was female but turned out to be male). The female has been laying about 2-3 eggs then discarding them after a week or two, then she will lay another 2-3 and continue discarding them. I feel she just dosn't know what to do with them after a while and just keeps trying. She has layed maybe 8 eggs these last two months. I'm worried that if she keeps doing this she's going to do herself harm. I've been feeding apple, and egg & biscuit with calcium mixed in, as well as some pellets and a walnut treat once a day.

Should I be separating them or just allow her to continue? Any advice would be great, thankyou.

YIPES! I know almost nothing about breeding, but I have heard many stories of over-productive hens who hurt themselves, depleting calcium, etc., etc.
I'd say yeah separate until you can figure something else out?
Here are some veterinary options?

Certified Avian Vets
If none are near you...
Avian Veterinarians
In my opinion, any of the vets listed here should be better than a regular vet.
International contacts, too.
If none are near you, maybe you could call and ask for a recommendation for somebody in your area.
And... sometimes, distant vets will offer brief thoughts or advice...

Hopefully, you'll get more advice here. Good luck!
Thanks! I have separated her and I'm taking her to the vet today. She's eating well, but is a little unsteady on her feet. :(
I hope your Jenday feels better. I’ve had mine for over 10 years, and she has never laid an egg. I just got a male sun conure 2 years ago. She still hasn’t laid any eggs. That sounds like a lot of eggs to be laying to someone like me. Please do let us know what you find out at the vet.
My beloved Jenday died in November at 21. I had her for 13 years. At one point she was laying a lot of eggs, and I realized it was due to my ignorance - I did not know that you shouldn’t pet parrots on their backs. I think I was making her hormonal and causing the laying. Just wanted to mention that in case you didn’t know. By the way, she would lay several eggs in a row like yours, then she would stop for two or three years.
I'm so sorry your baby died and feel your pain. After 13 years its a huge loss. You didn't do anything that caused her death. Even if it was related to her egg laying. Its not a good idea to pet their backs but most people dont know this. I have to keep reminding my husband to only pet their heads. Your girl would probably would have laid just as many eggs if you hadn't pet her on the back. Many female birds that never get back pets lay too many eggs and it's very difficult to stop them. If a female parrot is healthy, happy, and food is plentiful she will likely get hormonal at some point and egg laying may become a problem. It's not your fault that your girl did what healthy girl birds do naturally.
Aww, thank you so much, and that really helps. 🩷 I believe she was working on an egg during the last few days of her life, so that’s good to know.
My beloved Jenday died in November at 21. I had her for 13 years. At one point she was laying a lot of eggs, and I realized it was due to my ignorance - I did not know that you shouldn’t pet parrots on their backs. I think I was making her hormonal and causing the laying. Just wanted to mention that in case you didn’t know. By the way, she would lay several eggs in a row like yours, then she would stop for two or three years.
I am so terribly sorry. I had a cockatiel growing up that no one would touch, and she a laid a lot of eggs (10-12/year). She didn’t even have a mate. She lived out her full life thank goodness. Egg binding is terrible, and I worry about it now that I have my female jenday with my male sun. During the months of November-February I’ve read a lot of posts about female parrots passing away at all ages on this forum. I’ve always wondered if it had to do with egg laying. It’s so unfortunate. Again, I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you in my thoughts. Having parrots in captivity is challenging. Don’t be too hard on yourself.
Thank you so much for your kind words. I appreciate the info you shared about your cockatiel. Poor birdie ! đź’— yes, it is very hard to read about all the parrots who pass away in these forums, although reading about accidents, etc, can help teach us about ways to avoid those for our birds. đź’—

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