It should be safe soon, shouldn't it?


New member
Sep 19, 2017
East coast of USA
I now have a young Hahn's macaw. I used to have a Pacific Parrotlet that lived until almost 15. Before that I had a budgie.
I don't know where my head was, but a little while ago I finally emptied out my laundry basket that has been mostly full for who knows how long, and decided to spray it with this Fabreze I noticed in the laundry room. I sprayed the basket in the hallway right outside of my bedroom where my bird boy is, then suddenly realized that Fabreze may be harmful. I think the bedroom door was mostly closed. Then when I realized what I did, I shut the basket and took it downstairs and then out the door onto the front porch. I came back upstairs (I had shut the bedroom door quickly) and opened both the windows.

I assume once the basket sits outside in the fresh air for an hour or so that it would be safe to bring back upstairs to the hallway outside my bedroom (where my parrot is)?

I'm going to throw away the Fabreze to make sure this doesn't happen again.
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You should be fine. I use Glade plug-ins and Febreeze and incense, I have a house of pets and have never had a single issue with any of them, even the birds. I have found that as long as is not wafting over your bird or being sprayed directly onto/at them it's fine.
As a self-asserted Queen of Paranoia, I don't use any incense or room deoderizers or candles. I get so worried about them that the fun goes out of it for me, so... I just forego them. If I do use Febreze or spray cleaners, it's at least a couple of closed doors away from the bird until it's totally dissipated.
I've heard so many scary stories, and I'm sure some of them are just that... stories... but...
The QofP hath spake. :)
I do not think after an hour of "airing out" it will be *acutely* toxic to your parrot.

That said, I am FIRMLY in the camp of "not in my home". That stuff agitates MY respiratory tract and gives me a headache when I smell it on other people/in other homes, I can only imagine what it would do to Kiwi:( The fact of the matter is, even if you think it smells good, that stuff is not good for humans or avians. It's pure man made chemical crap. It is also designed to be insidious, or in other words, to stick to fabric and keep it smelling for a long time. So even if you aren't spraying it directly in your birds area, any time your bird hangs out with you or on any furniture or carpet or clothing that stuff is sprayed on, the bird is most certainly inhaling it and possibly even ingesting it (if your bird chews clothes). This goes for anything with artificial scents- soaps, detergents, cleaning products, beauty products, candles etc... all scented with artificial chemicals designed to linger. Over time, think of what harm that has the potential of doing to a parrot? It's one tiny step away from poison IMO and has NO PLACE in any bird home. People also once argued about the 'safety' of chain smoking indoors too, just because this stuff (in some peoples opinions) smells better doesn't make it any safer or any less of an persistent indoor pollutant.
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