Is this normal or should i contact a vet right away


Jan 29, 2025
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hi when i filled ladyhawks food this morning and was standing there watching her she put her claws around one of the bars of the cage and I noticed on the top of one of her claws... theres a bump on it its brown and kind of sticks up and i was able to touch it for a second before she bit me (im so glad shes eating with gusto now even when i was standing right there next to the cage we re getting there slowly put surely lol )and it seems hard....i dont think she had it before but i cant be postive today is the first time she let me get that close without moving away from me they told me at the pet store that shes a baby so is this a normal part of there growing process and her other claws will develop these little bumps too or should i contact the vet...
oh almost forgot i tried to get a picture of it but evedently ladyhawk dosnt like the camra...and every picture i took came out blurry
Getting a new parrot a full vet work up is an excellent idea, even if he/she is in perfect health. It will provide the vet with a base line to compare with, should something actually develop in the future.

And will help calm the nerves of a very nervous new owner!
lol yes i can be a little nervous when it comes to my babies.... what ever it was it disappeared a few hours IF i could have really looked at it i MIGHT have been able to better tell what it was.....little monster bit me when i touched it and tried to get a good look at it lol im afraid i did a horrable thing this morning when i was getting her food and water dish ladyhawk jumped on the dish and gave me one heak of a bite....and i taped her little beak and said WE DONT BITE MOMMY!! oviboulsy i wast thinking sigh i feel horrable i have NEVER done that before to any of my birds sigh maybe im getting to old..... it will take much longer im afraid for her to trust me now sigh...her cage is right next to my living room chair and she has started sitting on her pearch on the chair side and looking at me guess seh figers if i can look at her she can look at me....and shes started chripping and peaking at her cuttle bone today thats a good sign now i just have to start all over and try to figure how the best way to bond with this little lady....hum maybe if i can find some really tight gloves and put my hand where her food or water dish sit naa thats not a good idea i just have to keep giving her the spray mallet on the wooden to her and try to gain her trust some how and watch more closely so she dosnt bite me again when im changing her food and water i wont soon forget as i have a blood blister on my finger to remind oh an me!! oh and im going to call the vet....the last couple of days iv had a mild migrine so havent been able to do much of anything but the bascis
Why not wear a long sleeved t shirt and pull it over your hand when you go in to change food and water so she doesn't bite your hand. You're not too old by the way.
The bumps on her feet near her toes may be normal but get them checked anyway because you never know.
Just like the OP , i TAPPED . You should be correcting them, not me. I knew what they were saying.
I'm sorry, but I'm not CORRECTING anyone and I'm not sure who wrote what. I see now that Dragon58 (who admits they can't spell but who cares) wrote "taped" her beak. I wanted to make sure I understood what was being said because I'm interested, not because I'm some sort of spelling Nazi.
Why not wear a long sleeved t shirt and pull it over your hand when you go in to change food and water so she doesn't bite your hand. You're not too old by the way.
This is recommended in several places as well as by an avian vet. Birds are observant. Shirts are normal wear so there will be doubts about will you or won't you. Gloves mean you will and beaks get engaged!
Sorry this may sound dumb. Birds feet are covered w what looks like scales. When toes are flexed the scales pull apart and 'brown or skin colored' bumps appear. When foot is relaxed it disappears. Depending on age, breed it can be large or small. Think of it as making a tight fist and relaxing hand. Knuckles look a lot lighter with a fist. I am not a vet so this is the best way I can describe it.

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