Is this kakariki male or female?


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Jun 20, 2017
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Hello! I've got a kakariki and I'm curious if he is a male or a female.




Looking at the photo's I would say female, males have much larger beaks and the heads are not so rounded.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's a Birb

to be more scientific in my findings, it's a yellow birb
Photos can be decieving...
In one your bird looks female, but in another it looks like it could possibly be male...

Or are these photos of multiple birds (different bird in each photo?)
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's a Birb

to be more scientific in my findings, it's a yellow birb

And to get super scientific - yellow birb with some red fedders on its lil birbo head.

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I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's a Birb

to be more scientific in my findings, it's a yellow birb

And to get super scientific - yellow birb with some red fedders on its lil birbo head.

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yes.. yes.. I see. A miraculous break through today I would say!

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