Is my meyers molting or plucking?

Thank you for all your help and i know it's been a while but i HAVE gone to my vet and got him checked. Sorry for taking so long to reply.
The only thing the vet could think of was that this has grown into a habit for my Humble (my parrot). The vet seemed to beleive that just as humans can grow habits such as biting their nails, parrots can just as easily. The previous owner had recently got herself a rather large puppy which wasn't quiet by any means. This must've spooked poor Humble and had him start the habit of picking at himself. He now still continues. The only thing i was recommended to do was to try this aloe spray which is to try'n soothe the skin to see if it'll help him not pick at it. It hasn't really helped much.
i was thinking about doing something along the line of Pavolv's psychological theory. If i were to see Humble pick at himself, i'd squirt him with some water and he'd immediately stop. I figure if i can continue this and catch him 95% of the time he picks at himself, im hoping i can break the habit. Any thoughts/suggestions?
Hi ejeffay, Not many suggestions as my GCC seems to have developed a chewing habit as well out of possibly hormonal frustration. Despite taking him to the vet twice about it (and in less than a week after it first started) it hasn't really helped. We are just trying to love him (not hard - he's a great bird!) and hope that he'll grow out of it eventually. He's high strung. Make sure your bird's diet is optimum (lots of veggies, pellets, beans, fruit/seed/nut treats etc), that he's getting lots of quiet sleep (10-12 hours) and that you don't encourage the plucking. We tell Charlie no chew and now he says it all the time (but doesn't listen). Stinker!

Anyways, if others have suggestions I would be happy to hear them. We've tried everything short of putting a collar on him.

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