Is it possible to keep birds in my situation? Which species would fit best?


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Dec 13, 2022
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I am considering to buy a pair of birds, I've always loved birds and I gathered a lot of information about them, but I still have some questions I couldn't find answers to, so maybe someone here can help me :)

1. The birds would live in my bedroom, which isn't the problem since I have a VERY deep sleep but I don't want my siblings in the room next to it to wake up all the time in the night. Are even louder birds quiet at night? How often do birds really scream loud enough to wake up people in the other room? If it's species specific, what would it be like with lovebirds, green cheek conures or parrotlets?

2. My room is carpeted (i can't remove the carpet), but under the bird cage i would put one of these mats people put under desks to make the chairs slide around( , however I plan on letting them fly around and chill in my room when I'm home. How much damage will they cause on the carpet? Can I just wipe the poo off or will it permanently stain/ruin the carpet? I know birds are messy and I'm perfectly fine with cleaning a lot, but since it's my parents carpet i don't want it to be completely broken.

3. I also have guinea pigs in my room, will this cause problems? The piggies are in a cage and i sometimes let them out of the cage but they wouldn't be in direct contact with the birds. They are rather shy and only really loudly squeak when I call their names or when it's feeding time. Are birds aggressive towards guinea pigs through the lid? Will the guineas noises scare them or will they get used to it?

4. Now I'm living with my parents in a house, but after I have my Abitur (probably in 4 years) I may or may not move out. I have no idea yet, so the birds i'll choose should be suitable to live in an apartment. Is this possible? Can green cheeks live in an apartment without annoying neighbors? (Are green cheeks as loud as sun conures?)

This were my general questions about birdcare, and the next thing I think about a lot is what kind of bird would suit my situation the best.

What I can provide:
I have space for a 150cm x 60cm indoor aviary that's 200cm high (if it's really needed i could also get rid of a drawer and make it 50cm longer). I have a lot of free time and I'm home a lot so i could give the bird a lot of free flying & training time daily. I've never owned birds but I have a lot of patience and experience with animals in general and also with training them (my guinea pigs can shake hands, jump through a hoop,stand on his hind legs and do a spin. My other pets could also do tricks but their sadly dead now). I'm okay with cleaning a lot and making my own bird chop, taking care of everything etc

What I would love to find:
I would love to be able to train with the birds and spend a lot of time together, so it should be a species that can be tamed.
They should also be suitable for apartments as in their loudness and not so loud that people in the other apartments would get annoyed and kick me out.

What kind of bird would be close to this criteria?

Would a green cheek conure fit into this? I fell in love with them, but I'm very open and don't want to do anything that'll end bad for me or the birds!

If someone could answer me a question or I a suggestion I'd be very thankful :)

PS: english isn't my first language so please forgive me for my grammar mistakes
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Welcome and be welcomed Ella. Your English is fine (better then some native speakers!).

As a teenager, you have much of your life in front of you, with all the unexpected twists and turns life presents us. There is advanced studies, boy/girl friends, employment and many other things you have yet to experience. Having a parrot, who needs you 365 days a year and several hours a day will complicate all of these. I am sure you do not want to do anything to your future parrot that would make his life not enjoyable, but these things tend to do that. Mostly your time becomes more and more valuable and less and less available as you take on adult jobs and responsibilities. I always say to young folks, wait until you have completed your education and at least secured your first job, before getting a parrot.
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I am considering to buy a pair of birds, I've always loved birds and I gathered a lot of information about them, but I still have some questions I couldn't find answers to, so maybe someone here can help me :)

1. The birds would live in my bedroom, which isn't the problem since I have a VERY deep sleep but I don't want my siblings in the room next to it to wake up all the time in the night. Are even louder birds quiet at night? How often do birds really scream loud enough to wake up people in the other room? If it's species specific, what would it be like with lovebirds, green cheek conures or parrotlets?
Typically birds are quiet at night. My birds rarely make me up, except when they get a night fright.
2. My room is carpeted (i can't remove the carpet), but under the bird cage i would put one of these mats people put under desks to make the chairs slide around( , however I plan on letting them fly around and chill in my room when I'm home. How much damage will they cause on the carpet? Can I just wipe the poo off or will it permanently stain/ruin the carpet? I know birds are messy and I'm perfectly fine with cleaning a lot, but since it's my parents carpet i don't want it to be completely broken.
They might chew the carpets. If you clean the carpet immediately with some soapy water after wiping off the poop, it likely won't stain. If your room isn't bird proof, you'll need to supervise them when out.
3. I also have guinea pigs in my room, will this cause problems? The piggies are in a cage and i sometimes let them out of the cage but they wouldn't be in direct contact with the birds. They are rather shy and only really loudly squeak when I call their names or when it's feeding time. Are birds aggressive towards guinea pigs through the lid? Will the guineas noises scare them or will they get used to it?
I'm more worried about the birds hurting the guinea pigs, as they can bite hard, but guinea pigs can also bite birds, so just don't let them interact. They probably wouldn't be able to bite the guinea pigs through the cage bars.
4. Since I'm a minor now I'm living with my parents in a house, but after I have my Abitur (probably in 4 years) I may or may not move out. I have no idea yet, so the birds i'll choose should be suitable to live in an apartment. Is this possible? Can green cheeks live in an apartment without annoying neighbors? (Are green cheeks as loud as sun conures?)
I think it's better to wait until you're out of the house. Wrench gave some very good reasons. And to answer your second question, I think green cheeks are too loud for an apartment.
This were my general questions about birdcare, and the next thing I think about a lot is what kind of bird would suit my situation the best.

What I can provide:
I have space for a 150cm x 60cm indoor aviary that's 200cm high (if it's really needed i could also get rid of a drawer and make it 50cm longer). I have a lot of free time and I'm home a lot so i could give the bird a lot of free flying & training time daily. I've never owned birds but I have a lot of patience and experience with animals in general and also with training them (my guinea pigs can shake hands, jump through a hoop,stand on his hind legs and do a spin. My other pets could also do tricks but their sadly dead now). I'm okay with cleaning a lot and making my own bird chop, taking care of everything etc
I think in the future, you'll make a great bird owner. But I think since you're still a minor living with your parents, and will probably move out soon, it's not a good idea. I am also a minor, and I can confidently say that it is not easy to have birds when you still live with your parents.
What I would love to find:
I would love to be able to train with the birds and spend a lot of time together, so it should be a species that can be tamed.
They should also be suitable for apartments as in their loudness and not so loud that people in the other apartments would get annoyed and kick me out.

What kind of bird would be close to this criteria?
Would a green cheek conure fit into this? I fell in love with them, but I'm very open and don't want to do anything that'll end bad for me or the birds!
Budgies and cockatiels are on the quieter side, but can still be noisy. Green cheeks are quite loud.
If someone could answer me a question or I a suggestion I'd be very thankful :)

PS: english isn't my first language so please forgive me for my grammar mistakes
Your English is good, don't worry about it :)
The guinea pigs should be ok I would maybe cover their cage when you let birds out though, my birds are silent at night I do cover there cage which I would recommend because they need 10-14 hours of sleep. I would recommend getting a smaller parrot like a budgie or cocktail as your first, and I do agree with pippthebananabirb having a bird while still living at home can create complications especially when it comes to moving out I know that might sound like a long way away but it’s things you have to consider and not everyone in your household might appreciate the racket they make😂but this being said if your really determined (like I was) just make sure you do the proper research and consult your family.

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