It was prescribed for an infection near one of his claws. The infection resulted from part of his metal identification band getting under his skin. Thankfully that metal band is gone (dreadful thing to do to these dear ones in the name of identification! I've read that microchips are a more current — more humane! — means of ID.)
I had been giving him 0.1ml/day Baytril since last Wednesday.
The vet based that dosage amount on a weight estimate of 10 lbs for the bird. I have doubts that estimate for a scarlet macaw. The bottle has 100mg/ml. An online vet I texted thinks it's standard and looks good as a dosage for him.
I don't want to overdose the little guy and make him sick, but don't want to underdose him either and slow down his recovery either.
I welcome informed input.
I had been giving him 0.1ml/day Baytril since last Wednesday.
The vet based that dosage amount on a weight estimate of 10 lbs for the bird. I have doubts that estimate for a scarlet macaw. The bottle has 100mg/ml. An online vet I texted thinks it's standard and looks good as a dosage for him.
I don't want to overdose the little guy and make him sick, but don't want to underdose him either and slow down his recovery either.
I welcome informed input.
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