Abnormal spots in macaw mouth?


Mar 31, 2015
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Pennsylvania, USA
Gcc- Conlan... Sun Conure- Mouse...Jenday- Kellan... RLA- Happy...B&G Macaw- Rhage
My 6 year old macaw started showing signs of discomfort/pain in his beak the other day. Rubbing it forcefully on things, grabbing his beak with his foot, licking at his mouth consistently, and was just agitated. I looked into his mouth for injury and the only thing I noticed were 2 spots on the skin near the tongue. Same spot on both sides. It's like a tan/ town color.

I made him a vet appointment with his avian vet and while the vet did notice his discomfort with his mouth, said he was in great health in every other way. Clear ears/eyes/lungs/nasal/papillae/booty looked great. No smells or discharges. His determination was that he may have iratated those spots somehow or had. Alight infection and had some slight inflammation.

He prescribed Baytril for infection, Metacam swelling, and Gabapentan for discomfort. He got his first dose a few hours ago and no change in his comfort.

I feel so awful because he is obviously uncomfortable and not getting a ton of rest. He is clearly upset but eating warm soft foods and is staying pretty hydrated. We are going to give it a few days and see how he responds. He felt no need to culture/biopsy/blood work this at this time.

I'm not even sure what this is other than to take his word that it could be an infection. On one hand I trust my vet, have trusted him with my birds for years, but I keep seeing things about tumors or wet pox online and not finding anything like what I'm seeing in him, especially since its the same thing and same spot on both sides of his mouth, to help calm myself down and have a game plan to guide him back to normal.

Has anyone seen anything like this?
I am agreeing with your Vet!

Whatever had irritated those areas appear to be static /recovering.

Regarding what you are reading on-line, commonly comes with increase is size /discoloration with time. For your comfort, keep an eye on the area(s) and report if you see any change for the worst.

I do see a bit of beak stress (kind of like bar compression damage) which may have been the source. MAC's love to compress things and sometimes a cage bar can slip from their grasp and snap back. But, that is a pure guess!

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