Introducing The New Adventures Of Princess Peach!! 💝

And regardless of schedule or other requirements, she clearly deserves that special day of being out and about with Mom that includes special flowers for her.

Can fully image her joy as the car ride turns from yet another trip to the Vet and to a special Morning out for Peachie!!

Although not as important as the change in destination, but if everything from the early prep to that turn away from the direction to the Vet can be the same, it may add to her reaction.

And regardless of schedule or other requirements, she clearly deserves that special day of being out and about with Mom that includes special flowers for her.

Can fully image her joy as the car ride turns from yet another trip to the Vet and to a special Morning out for Peachie!!

Although not as important as the change in destination, but if everything from the early prep to that turn away from the direction to the Vet can be the same, it may add to her reaction.

Uncle Boats i would love to be able to take Peachie for a fun excursion that doesn't involve needles but we've got a few obstacles in the way at present, not the least of which is that the air conditioning in the car has died, and as we've skipped Spring and plonked straight into summer it's far to hot to take her out right now other than for the essentials :( And we've even had problems getting flowers for Lovejoy lately, it's been such a dry winter that a lot of our regular sources of flowers have yielded very little or nothing for quite a while. I have to say though that Peachie did handle her last trip to the vet extremely well, perhaps because she was resigned by then as to what was going to happen next. It will be nice though when we are able take her out for something fun, perhaps a romantic joy ride with her favourite little red rooster might be just the ticket!!

Meanwhile i forgot to report that her weight was back up to a hefty 110grams, up from 107 the previous week. Dr Adrian suggests that she might be getting herself into breeding condition :eek:, which I really DON'T want to happen, but I can't keep these two apart and it would break their little hearts if I even tried!!


Maybe somebody should tell Val that three's a crowd. Oh and NOBODY go and play any Barry White tunes around here right now either!! Ooooopppssss, too late, I just did!! ;)

Truly sad, but life will go on and she will quickly determine that the Vet visits have stopped. And that is always a good thing!

Sorry hear that it's been dry this early Winter for you folks. With hope you will not have range fires as the available underground had been burned during prior years.
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Sorry hear that it's been dry this early Winter for you folks. With hope you will not have range fires as the available underground had been burned during prior years.

I wish this was the case, Uncle Boats, but it seems the undergrowth that had grown the previous summer has been dried out by the winter conditions and the fuel load for fires is pretty high, and with El Niño now in effect we've had an early start to bushfire season this year already :( Hoping that controlled burns by local authorities will minimise the risk of a repeat of the catastrophic "Black Summer" fires we experienced in 2019/20, but it looks very dangerous out there 🙏 🙏 🙏
Somebirdy is very happy she doesn't have to go to the vet today!!!


And she got a berry special breakfast of blueberries with her dadda this morning too, and was even generous enough to share some with her handsome boyfriend!!


But in the end, she just couldn't resist chuckin' 'em over the side, in the traditional Peachie manner 💖

Looks like she has a happy song happening there!!

A bit selective regarding the berries or just sharing with the underlines, always hard to tell.

So very happy that she has reached that point where weekly Vet visits are no longer needed.
Oh those were HER berries, Uncle Boats, and the real underling in that video was her dad - he was lucky she let him have any at all!!!
I cage all my birds for their own safety if I have to leave the living room for any length of time, and I often end up caging the 'tiels first because they are often the most difficult to catch - some bribery with a bit of bird seed usually works a treat. I use it on everyone except for Lovejoy, so Peachie and Val usually get the treat too as a little compensation in exchange for a bit of cage time. Peachie, however, figures the 'tiels are getting something she's not, and this is the way she reacts, she hops on top of the acrylic "Seed Mate" thingy that hangs on the outside of the 'tiels cage, convinced that she's missing out on something, and almost turns herself inside out trying to get inside the 'tiels cage! The video here is pretty poor quality, it's the best I can get cos if I get any closer she stops doing it. But she turns these amazing somersaults in her desperation to get in there and I'm like "Peachie, there's some seeds in your cage too, ya know!!"

She has also moulted out one of her implanted feathers a few days ago. She'd already broken one only a week or two after they were fitted, so this makes two now from her restored wing....


I got a bit nervous, thinking I'd REALLY like her to moult at least one from the other side, so that each side would grow back more or less evenly and not leave her lop-sided or having trouble flying. Lo and behold the next day she shed one from the other wing, not the *exact* opposite, but close enough :)


I think it's amazing how good a job they did down at the vet implanting those feathers, for most them to have stuck this long. And you have to look pretty closely at the one on the right to tell that it's an implant!
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I'm seeing a theme here with Peachie - she always has some major FOMO (fear of missing out)!! And everything is hers 🤣
Oh she definitely has some FOMO tendencies going on alright. And I just cannot imagine for the life of me where she might've picked THAT up from!!

(Pic of prime suspect, in lieu of "rolling eyes" emoji!! 😝)

This may have been a mistake. Peachie LOVES blackberries, but she's tearing them up and flingin' bits all over the place. And just look at that beak, it looks like she's torn out someone's jugular!!


And now it's double trouble -oh the carnage!!!:eek:

Nobody knows better than I the life-changing possibilities hidden in a chance encounter in a bird store.
May you have a wonderful journey together... ALL of you!
Awwwwwwwwwwwww, thank you Aunty G, we most certainly intend to 🥰🙏💖

Peachie and Lovejoy pic for tax!!


She LOOOOOVES that little red-headed rooster!! ❤️‍🔥 ❤️‍🔥 ❤️‍🔥
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It's a hot one here in Briz Vegas today, perhaps Peachie is complaining to management about the lack of air conditioning? I do love a squeaky squawky vocal birdy, but I don't even want to know what's going on with that whole regurge thing!! :eek:

It's a hot one here in Briz Vegas today, perhaps Peachie is complaining to management about the lack of air conditioning? I do love a squeaky squawky vocal birdy, but I don't even want to know what's going on with that whole regurge thing!! :eek:

Oh sweet Peachie has a lovely voice. I’m so used to that Conure scream that the chirping is so different!
Uncle Boats i would love to be able to take Peachie for a fun excursion that doesn't involve needles but we've got a few obstacles in the way at present, not the least of which is that the air conditioning in the car has died, and as we've skipped Spring and plonked straight into summer it's far to hot to take her out right now other than for the essentials :( And we've even had problems getting flowers for Lovejoy lately, it's been such a dry winter that a lot of our regular sources of flowers have yielded very little or nothing for quite a while. I have to say though that Peachie did handle her last trip to the vet extremely well, perhaps because she was resigned by then as to what was going to happen next. It will be nice though when we are able take her out for something fun, perhaps a romantic joy ride with her favourite little red rooster might be just the ticket!!

Meanwhile i forgot to report that her weight was back up to a hefty 110grams, up from 107 the previous week. Dr Adrian suggests that she might be getting herself into breeding condition :eek:, which I really DON'T want to happen, but I can't keep these two apart and it would break their little hearts if I even tried!!

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Maybe somebody should tell Val that three's a crowd. Oh and NOBODY go and play any Barry White tunes around here right now either!! Ooooopppssss, too late, I just did!! ;)

Val looks like he's the unofficial chaperone keeping an eye on those two lover birds!
Oh sweet Peachie has a lovely voice. I’m so used to that Conure scream that the chirping is so different!
She does just have the sweetest little voice, even when she's screaming her head off! I went down a YouTube rabbit hole a few nights ago of talking princess parrots, mainly roosters i think, they seem to have the best talent in terms of mimicking human speech, and they just have THE sweetest voices EVER!! I don't know if Peachie will ever learn to speak and that's just fine with me, I love her natural range of sounds just the way it is, but it would be AWFULLY cute if she did!

Val looks like he's the unofficial chaperone keeping an eye on those two lover birds!

Yep well safe to say which little red headed rooster she's got in mind when she's doing that whole regurgitatin' thing!! ❤️‍🔥 ❤️‍🔥 ❤️‍🔥
I agree with Onamom... in comparison to conure squawking and screeching, the chirping is absolutely ethereal!
I agree with Onamom... in comparison to conure squawking and screeching, the chirping is absolutely ethereal!
Peachie by far has the loudest voice of all my birds, when she chooses to use it. But yes, most of the time her vocalisations are much softer and more serene, except of course for that love call she makes when she's chasing Lovejoy, absolutely ZERO subtlety there!!

@GaleriaGila, did you by chance see the awesome Pokemon cards that @TeekoGreenCheek was making up of our birds? This is Peachie's card, and the backstory made up to go with it captured her personality PERFECTLY!


Here's the link to Teeko's thread - i think the Rb would make a fantastic subject for Pokemon!

Peachie by far has the loudest voice of all my birds, when she chooses to use it. But yes, most of the time her vocalisations are much softer and more serene, except of course for that love call she makes when she's chasing Lovejoy, absolutely ZERO subtlety there!!

@GaleriaGila, did you by chance see the awesome Pokemon cards that @TeekoGreenCheek was making up of our birds? This is Peachie's card, and the backstory made up to go with it captured her personality PERFECTLY!

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Here's the link to Teeko's thread - i think the Rb would make a fantastic subject for Pokemon!

I'm so glad you liked that card! Peachie sure is special! Your one lucky person! To own such a beautiful thing as peachie!
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