Introducing The New Adventures Of Princess Peach!! 💝

Five down, only one to go, THANK GOD!!!!!

Peachie had a pretty tough time of it with her injection yesterday. Poor girlie, she just bled and bled and it took what seemed like an eternity for it to stop :cry: Well it did to me anyway - where is that "client valium" when I need it??? She's moulting at present so with all that blood around feeding into the new feathers that are growing through, and she does have a lot of new growth coming through on her chest, it just resulted in a pretty bad bleed this time. Thankfully I got her home without it starting up again and i put her straight in her cage so she couldn't go flying and start it up again, and gave her some seeds to coax her to eat something before bedtime which she did. I had NO idea what I was going to wake up to this morning but she is in REMARKABLY good spirits today considering how unhappy she was with everything yesterday! Not 100% by any means, but I'd give her at least an 8 or even 8 and a half on the Peach-O-Meter! She's had a few more seeds this morning just to get started, but has been chowing down on her pellets and her veg too :) Weighed in yesterday at 107 grams so her weight is not getting out of control. One more shot next week and it'll be with her Uncle Adrian, and hopefully 🤞🤞🤞this whole thing will finally be over!!!

Pics for birdy tax: Peachie on her fave spot on the cockatiel's perspex seed cube thingy ...


... and tucking into her veg with her two besties. 💖💖💖

Only one more injection, that is stellar!!
If only she could know that she only has one to go!!

Sadly, I remembered this to late:
When I traveled my dear wife would use one of my golf ball displays and set it based on the number of days before I came home. All our Amazons over the years quickly picked on it. Surprise, Julio elected to remove a few as the display got down to just a few days left!

But, I cannot believe that one could not use it for Injects, but limited to that number.
Only one more injection, that is stellar!!
If only she could know that she only has one to go!!

Sadly, I remembered this to late:
When I traveled my dear wife would use one of my golf ball displays and set it based on the number of days before I came home. All our Amazons over the years quickly picked on it. Surprise, Julio elected to remove a few as the display got down to just a few days left!

But, I cannot believe that one could not use it for Injects, but limited to that number.
Oh Uncle Boats, she has been SO much braver than me throughout this whole thing, and today I'd give her 10 out of 10 on the Peach-O-Meter!! I'd say there'll be a period of rebuilding of trust after all this, she must think that her life consists of my taking her off to somewhere where they'll hurt her every few days and it'll probably take a while for her to readjust. But today she's doing really well, squawking and demolishing her veg and playing with her toys and her handsome little boyfriend, and life is good. 💖 And I've NEVER seen a little birdy who loves her veg as much as she does!!

Look at that beautiful happy girl! Only one more to go, Peachie pie! ❤️
Yeah she's pretty happy, I even got some Peachie kisses today!! 🥰 🥰 🥰 We should throw her a party when this whole thing is over - maybe we could get her a big cake and have her handsome boyfriend jump out of it? 🥳🎉🎂
Oh Uncle Boats, she has been SO much braver than me throughout this whole thing, and today I'd give her 10 out of 10 on the Peach-O-Meter!! I'd say there'll be a period of rebuilding of trust after all this, she must think that her life consists of my taking her off to somewhere where they'll hurt her every few days and it'll probably take a while for her to readjust. But today she's doing really well, squawking and demolishing her veg and playing with her toys and her handsome little boyfriend, and life is good. 💖 And I've NEVER seen a little birdy who loves her veg as much as she does!!

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precious bbg
I'm not getting in that cake! Oh wait, you mean the red headed rooster. Nevermind 🙄🤣🤣🤣

Yeah, sorry Uncle Fred, i hate to break it to ya, but she's only got eyes for Lovejoy 😍

Thank you, yes I am very glad for her :)

Oooooohhhhh and I forgot to mention, she weighed a whole 1 (one!) gram less than last time, she's 109 grams now. Good thing they didn't see me bribing her with seeds last night to make sure she ate before she went to bed! ;)

AAAAAAANNNNND I found THESE for sale at Kmart here in Australia yesterday. They're tea towels with princess parrots and galahs printed on them!!! Guess who ordered some!! 😁

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Are these the same Kmarts that used to be in the US? I used to love to shop there. They were very reasonably priced.
Are these the same Kmarts that used to be in the US? I used to love to shop there. They were very reasonably priced.
I think they probably are, or at least were, or ours might be a wholly Australian-owned offshoot, but I'm not sure. I don't think the quality is what it used to be with our local version but when I saw those towels I HAD to jump on them!! It was a set of three, two plain and one with the birdies on, so I'll use the plain ones and keep the birdie one in mint condition :)
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The normal day and time if one scheduled yet another appointment, but this time, take her on a road trip as a way of defining the end to the shots?? Also a way of showing her that the travel cage and car rides are not only for shots!! But, also fun!!
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The normal day and time if one scheduled yet another appoint, but this time, take her on a road trip as a way of defining the end to the shots?? Also a way of showing her that the travel cage and car rides are not only for shots!! But, also fun!!
We can definitely do that, Uncle Boats! We regularly venture out looking for flowers for Lovejoy, and on studying up about princess parrots recently I discovered that they also like eating Aussie native flowers like grevillea and bottle brush. And she sure does love demolishing the ones I give Lovejoy when he's finished with them! I do grow some around the house but they're not flowering just yet so we might just take Peachie with us on our next foraging expedition - thank you for the suggestion!! 💖
HOORAAAYYYYY!! It's finally here!! Peachie is due for her LAST, absolutely the last, cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye, eat a horse manure pie if it's not the VERY LAST antibiotic injection today!!! Still dreading taking her in for it, but she'll be seeing her Uncle Adrian and i KNOW he'll be SO impressed with the way she looks now!!!

I got a very cute video of her yesterday, I'd put the Pyrex dish out for everyone because it was so hot, I thought they'd enjoy being able to dabble their toesies in the water to cool down. Peachie however must've figured I hadn't washed their veg sufficiently and was dunking it in the water. She'd have a bit of a chew on it and then would just chuck it over the side of the cage onto the floor. I didn't catch the "chuck it over the side" bit cos, shock horror, my phone ran out of storage for photos while I was filming!! Who'd have thunk I'd have SO many birdie pics on my phone?? Guess that means I need to get off my butt and organise my photos and videos better!! :rolleyes:😝

Just one more Peachie! You got this! And look at you making soup!
She's so smart, she's got vegetable soup happening in one dish and pellet soup cooking in another all at the same time - Peachie can do it ALL!!
Clearly she multitasks well and listens as she was likely following your instructions to chuck it!!

Best wishes for the Vet visit, I am certain everyone will be happy, well almost everyone!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand at last, the nightmare is over!!! Hallelujah and cue the choirs of angels!!! 👼👼👼👼👼 Peachie did SO well at the vet yesterday, no bleeding, hardly even winced when that LAST needle went in - although that might be because she's just resigned to it happening every week, but NO MORE!!! 😁😁😁 Her Uncle Adrian could not have been more pleased with the way she looked, gram stain looked pretty good too although we still await the result of that. She was eating as soon as she got home and clucking at the little red rooster, seeking his affections and got them, and has pulled up very well this morning too. So all in all a very satisfactory and hopefully a FINAL conclusion to this painful chapter of her story, and I can get back to the serious business of posting cute Peachie photos and videos from here on in!!


And just to show she bears no grudges I got LOTS of Peachie kisses this morning too 🥰🥰🥰 Such a sweet girlie!!
Yay!! Peach you did it! What a good girl.
She IS a good girl, and not once has she shown any kind of resentment or grumpiness or biteyness throughout this whole thing, though she'd have been quite entitled to if she had. Very gutsy display of girl power right there - I just hope she never has to display it again! 🙏 🙏 🙏 🤞🤞🤞

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