I’m unsure if I should re-home my budgie

I'm so sorry, it's obvious how hard this is on you.
I would check out the rescue, look at reviews, etc. Our rescue does house visits before adopting out. They also have a contract that states that the bird must come back to them if it is rehomed.
Maybe yours works the same way?
I'm so sorry, it's obvious how hard this is on you.
I would check out the rescue, look at reviews, etc. Our rescue does house visits before adopting out. They also have a contract that states that the bird must come back to them if it is rehomed.
Maybe yours works the same way?
I’ve looked at the parrot sanctuaries nearest to me. I looked at the one star reviews and the owners were oddly, defensive and passive aggressive about the reviews. Even though the customers were rude it still threw me off. It is so troubling as I don’t know if I’ll even get anywhere. With my mom refusing to get Makisig a second check up or the lack of space I have in my house for bird quarantining it is just pitiful knowing that I’m the only person right now that currently cares about him. I want to cry but I have to be strong for him.
I’ve looked at the parrot sanctuaries nearest to me. I looked at the one star reviews and the owners were oddly, defensive and passive aggressive about the reviews. Even though the customers were rude it still threw me off.

I'm so sorry, the sanctuaries do seem to be unwelcoming. To me, it's so important how someone handles a bad review. I respect people who admit that something was wrong, and if there are a lot of 1 star reviews the issue probably does lie with the sanctuary.
It is so troubling as I don’t know if I’ll even get anywhere. With my mom refusing to get Makisig a second check up or the lack of space I have in my house for bird quarantining it is just pitiful knowing that I’m the only person right now that currently cares about him. I want to cry but I have to be strong for him.

Makisig has you, and that means a lot when there are so many birds who need homes and don't have anyone to love them.
Your love is all he wants. You can do this.
I'm so sorry, the sanctuaries do seem to be unwelcoming. To me, it's so important how someone handles a bad review. I respect people who admit that something was wrong, and if there are a lot of 1 star reviews the issue probably does lie with the sanctuary.

Makisig has you, and that means a lot when there are so many birds who need homes and don't have anyone to love them.
Your love is all he wants. You can do this.
I’ll try but I still need to get him tested for AGY but thank you so much. <3
I just found this and am not sure how accurate it is. It was posted by a Budgie club who is made up of regular people so I'd take it with a grain of salt.

An Effective Treatment Regimen for Budgies Suffering From AGY (Megabacteria) Disease

I was looking at this part under Impressions and Opinions.

Most budgies tolerate the presence of AGY without becoming ill.

I want to make clear that I I still think that Makisig needs to see the vet about it, but if this is true it may give you more time to either find him a new home or convince your Mom to take him to the vet.
I just found this and am not sure how accurate it is. It was posted by a Budgie club who is made up of regular people so I'd take it with a grain of salt.

An Effective Treatment Regimen for Budgies Suffering From AGY (Megabacteria) Disease

I was looking at this part under Impressions and Opinions.

I want to make clear that I I still think that Makisig needs to see the vet about it, but if this is true it may give you more time to either find him a new home or convince your Mom to take him to the vet.
The vets did say that Mayumi was just extremely unfortunate on her behalf as because of her colour mutation she also hatched with a low immunity. But yeah I still probably have to find a new home for him or buy him loads of toys (I don’t know how effective that is). I also haven’t stated this but my parents are also making me go on holiday to a one month stay with the country having poor sanitation meaning I could bring back foreign avian diseases with me (though I don’t know how likely that would be).
I probably have to opt for re-homing because I simply lack the time anymore unless I can get him tested AGY, get it treated if it is positive and then possibly get a new birds if I can (not as a replacement but I like having two birds in the house).
I just found this and am not sure how accurate it is. It was posted by a Budgie club who is made up of regular people so I'd take it with a grain of salt.

An Effective Treatment Regimen for Budgies Suffering From AGY (Megabacteria) Disease

I was looking at this part under Impressions and Opinions.

I want to make clear that I I still think that Makisig needs to see the vet about it, but if this is true it may give you more time to either find him a new home or convince your Mom to take him to the vet.
I found a parrot rescue I could probably trust. It is in a house though and I’m not sure how great that would be. They provided images on google and it has a 4.5 star review rating so I guess it could be fine? I’m just unsure as I’ve never been to a rescue so I’m not sure if you’d like to give your thoughts.
I found a parrot rescue I could probably trust. It is in a house though and I’m not sure how great that would be. They provided images on google and it has a 4.5 star review rating so I guess it could be fine? I’m just unsure as I’ve never been to a rescue so I’m not sure if you’d like to give your thoughts.
Do you have a link to it that I could look at?
Do you have a link to it that I could look at?

Problem Parrots - parrot rescue and welfare organisation​

ST15 0F
They have a similar system to how you described yours. The only problem is that I heard parrots stay in these rescues for a long-time which I don’t want.

Problem Parrots - parrot rescue and welfare organisation​

ST15 0F
They have a similar system to how you described yours. The only problem is that I heard parrots stay in these rescues for a long-time which I don’t want.
I think that good rescued only keep parrots long term when it's clearly what's best for the bird. Some parrots are best cared for by parrot rescues that have the knowledge and resources to provide them with the most beneficial forever homes. I think the good rescues want to place adoptable parrots into homes and try to do so without compromising their goal of doing what's best for the bird. It's expensive to provide lifelong care to a parrot so I doubt that rescues would do so unless it's necessary.
With the information provided from both the google reviews, the website and the images provided with the location itself he is probably going to that rescue.
Please tell me if I am making a grave mistake or not but I’m going to put my trust into them.
I don’t care if this will make me cry for hours, days or weeks at a time, he deserves somebody who can look after him to the fullest.
Times have been hard for me but I hope that the sacrifice of my happiness will in turn bring him more happiness than I could ever achieve.
I just hoping that flippers, hoarders or breeder won’t take him, that is my only concern.
We have finally found a rescue and they have contacted us! Even though he may have to end up in the smaller cage was in when he first bought him it will most likely be a temporary thing for him until the rescue can buy him a bigger cage!
Even though I don’t think I’ll ever see him in person again I’ll try donate gifts to him through the charity every once in awhile. Overall even though I am mixed with so many emotions I am just so glad he can get the happiness he deserved.
We have finally found a rescue and they have contacted us! Even though he may have to end up in the smaller cage was in when he first bought him it will most likely be a temporary thing for him until the rescue can buy him a bigger cage!
Even though I don’t think I’ll ever see him in person again I’ll try donate gifts to him through the charity every once in awhile. Overall even though I am mixed with so many emotions I am just so glad he can get the happiness he deserved.
He won't be lonely in a small cage at the rescue for long. They will try re-home any bird that isn't disabled or special needs. Budgies seldom have big issues like that, thank God. He will be well taken care of. Don't worry. I think making donations is very important if you can swing it.
Update: He is at the rescue now! It is a primarily budgie-only rescue and once his quarantining period is over he can join the large, large aviary flock they have there with all the other budgies. If he has a distaste for this flock that he may join he’ll be moved to a smaller room with some other budgies that either like human contact more, hated the flock or are disabled so he won’t be lonely at all!
Update: He is at the rescue now! It is a primarily budgie-only rescue and once his quarantining period is over he can join the large, large aviary flock they have there with all the other budgies. If he has a distaste for this flock that he may join he’ll be moved to a smaller room with some other budgies that either like human contact more, hated the flock or are disabled so he won’t be lonely at all!
That's so good to hear. I'll bet he loves being with the big flock since he's not physically or emotionally disabled- lots of new friends to play with. I adopted a beautiful budgie named Stormy from a rescue. He had been abused by his cagemate in the past and wanted to be left alone but I gave him one cagemate, Charlie, also a rescue, who was a really nice gentle budgie that loved everyone. Charlie liked Stormy and tried to make friends and get Stormy to play with him but Stormy just wanted to be left alone. Charlie never harassed Stormy so I kept them together for two years until Stormy got chronically ill and died. His last years were so much better than his life trapped with mean budgies that beat him up and bit off one of his toes.

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