YorkieMum...your story made me well-up a bit.:31: Bittersweet. 9 wonderful years with LBB,brought back memories of Chii Chii, a common female English house sparrow I raised when I was just 13.
My neighbor found her in the grass one spring day. She was just a baby,just starting to get feathers.
I had an old 'keet cage my Gramma gave me,and I put in an old abandoned robin nest,lined with kleenx.
I fed Chii Chii earth worms,grubs..would smack house flys when I saw them..Chii Chii gobbled everything up.
Mom got in touch with a vet..( not sure if he was an avain vet or not)
He suggested a baby formula of corn meal,egg whites and baby formula.
I fed her by a plastic spoon. She grew fast and learned to fly well.
Before school I'd feed her,then take her outside,where she'd fly into the nearest tree and whistle to me as I walked off to school.
When I returned,she was there in the tree waiting. I'd call to her and she'd fly down and land on my head,and we'd go inside the house where she got her dinner,play with me,help me with my homework ( usually picking up my papers and dropping them on the floor) Then she went into her house for nite nites.
We took her on vacation to Lake Champlain where the family rented a cottage for 2 weeks. She would take off into the trees and explore and come when called.\At one point she flew all the way across the lake,where my Grammpa had to get in the little motor boat and go across the lake to get her! He called to her and she flew right down to him!
At the end of that summer, she and I were outside,her walking in the grass picking at this and that as I read a book. Little did I know the neighbors CAT was stalking her and got her before I could do anything!!

I was able to get Chii Chii from that damn cats grip but the poor girl was gone.
My brother buried her in the back yard..My mom bought me Wally,the bufgie not long after,which started my love and devotion to parrots to this day.
The only consulation,or revenge,if you want to call it that,is Fluffy,the sparrow murderer,was hit and killed by a passing car..i felt bad of course..but still..
Maybe that is why I am not too fond of cats
