Anything new to report? I'm new on this forum, came across this post & am in awe. You're doing such a great job & I, for one, want you to be able to keep the little guy.
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Yes, thanks for asking! A lot has happened since I posted last. No vet would agree to see him, so I did what I do best- research!! I came across one site about the more commonly kept finches, and it turns out that even "pet" finches are hard to find a vet for. The site said that many avian vets don't have a clue when it comes to finch health. The site listed the many different problems, including a hip fracture, and what you can do to help them. So I've put Gibbs in his small travel cage for now and he is getting a calcium supplement. He hasn't pulled any more toenails out and is not resting his bad leg nearly as much! He can climb all over the bars, too. He hates being in the little cage, but it has to be that way to heal. Unfortunately his hip will always be a little wonky, but he clearly gets around okay.
I cannot believe how smart this little guy is. I've done trick training just like I would've with a parrot, and he caught on so fast! He can step-up, is a pro at target training, and is learning to put one foot on my finger when I say "hello." He has an attitude too! Just now he went nuts biting my hand in tantrum style because I wasn't giving him cuddles. Now he's cozies up by my neck. Lol he makes me laugh everyday. The best part of my day is when he comes over and plunks himself down in the palm of my hand so I can give him head rubs. In turn, he often reaches out and gently preens my sleeve! He loves chewing, and trying to irritate me lol. He's such a sassy little thing. Sometimes when I ask him to step up, he runs away squealing with joy. I was so shocked at how intelligent he is, so I looked online to see if anyone else knew anything about it. Years ago, a man did several different tests on how birds respond to bird traps. The results showed that every bird would panic and thrash around, except the house sparrow, who would calmly observe his surroundings and problem solve his way out of the trap. Another source said that house sparrows have an intelligence that is comparable to a crow. That's awfully smart!! Incredible how such a tiny, unwanted creature is also possibly one of the smartest animals. And my goodness, he is so cuddly! He is always worming his way into my hand, forcing me to pet him. If I don't pet him right away, he looks at me sideways with a squinted eye and makes the sweetest little squeak. He is finally eating seeds too! Only when they're sprouted, but that's even better.
I just finished making him a harness. I used the style of an aviator harness, but it's really tiny!! Gibbs is currently terrified of it, so we'll work up to it. Here it is:
I can't sew, so I used eyelets instead. Hopefully it will work out!
And here are some pictures of course!
Fell asleep in my hand, adorable!
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