If you had $100,000 to buy on your bird..

$100,000 - a nice little chunk of change. The better I get to know Tsali, the more I love him and the more it breaks my heart that he is a "captive bird" when he should be flying free. I think with my $100,000 I would either find a safe place for him to live out his days in the wild and spend $$ in teaching him to be a truly wild and free parrot. Since I'm not sure that would be possible, I'd do my best to build and/or provide Tsali a life that would replicate a life in the wild as closely as possible.

Don't get me wrong - I love Tsali, he is an incredible little buddy, but he deserves so much more than I can ever provide in a captive situation.
With $100,000 i would buy for my bird:
A HUGE indoor cage
Foraging toys.
Equipments for building an aviary(outdoors)
Safe plants and more toys for the aviary
A big perch
A HUGE playstand
Bird safe furniture and cookware so that it doesnt harm the bird
I would buy a huge outdoor aviary and a few birds. I would also try to get a bigger apartment since I dont cage him and that would mean more space.
Because the Rickeybird has made my life so rotten, I'd give all that $$ to conservation and habitat preservation so future Rivals would be in the clear. Kill me now.
*ducking when the Missus reads this*
Peace, Rival, Out
I would probably start with buying a brand new cage, best I can find. Then I'd move on to getting a couple play stands and many many toys. I would probably save whatever is left to cover food and vet bills for many years. I would definitely attempt to build an aviary for Lincoln but I just don't leave in an area suitable for it.
I would grant immunity to live another 10 years.
A set up for an outdoor aviary for each of my fids. Tons and tons on toys and Java trees....
Vet visits, cage, maybe aviary, food, toys, meds, and just keep on doing that till I run out!
I'll get bigger cages, an aviary, wooden things for my flock to chew.
Maybe a new broom to sweep up the floor after they destroy all the wooden things.

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I would go for a new roof, set of windows, siding, air-conditioner, and oh yeah, a nice fresh bag of tops!
Late into the response part, I would have invest half for indoor/outdoor sanctuary, quarter for Vet and etc.. and the rest goes to Parrot Investment Fund ( Fidelity!! here we come)
Ever since I got to hold one my dream parrot is a Hyacinth macaw.

I would get one and rest of the money would be used for care/cages/vet visits.
I would use the money for feather plucking research. I want to know if this is environmental, behavioral, or so on. I really want to help parrots with this issue.
I would go for a new roof, set of windows, siding, air-conditioner, and oh yeah, a nice fresh bag of tops!
*DONE-roof, siding, air system-DONE*
Now, pool heater, pool cage rebuilt! And another fresh bag of TOPS!

For this and other exciting GOFUNDME projects, go to, ##deleted by mod##!
I'd donate half of it to rescues and uhh-

Keep the rest for vet bills, toys, cages, possible future birds, etc
I'd use it to turn my whole yard into an aviary, or spend it on planer tickets to give my birds to the biggest captive (not predatory) bird aviary in the world!

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