I think at this early an age its REALLY hard to make an accurate guess.
Suns are mostly green til their first molt (for protection) and don't develop their true colors til after.
IF I were to take a guess, and it would be a guess, I'd say jenday with a lot of red.
I got into an argument with a lady on FB who kept telling me my Skittles is a red factor sun conure. He is not, I found that out from the breeder herself and my vet confirmed it. Skittles just happens to have more orange than the typical sun. Some suns have more yellow than the typical sun. One thing I CAN say is if the wings stay green it is most likely a jenday.
Sun conure wings (at least my Skittles) blend from yellow at the top, to green and then to blue.
Ultimately, your best and most accurate bet would be from an avian vet.
I was just checking out red factors with google and discoverd the "blue-streaked lory". Man, those things are creepy!