I got my greencheek from another owner, today I saw he pooped like this. Someone please helps me because in here we don't have vet for parrots.

Ngoc Anh

New member
Feb 10, 2025
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Greencheek, lovebird
Hi everyone, i'm a new one trying to raise parrot. My first bird is a lovebird and he is fine. But my second bird which I bought from another owner, I saw he pooped like this. About my greencheek, he seems to have trouble when eating seeds, like he can't chew properly. Also, here is my pic of him.

This morning, I chopped a sweet pepper, a corn, a carrot into small pieces. An hour passed after he finished eating, I saw his poop like this. I'm deeply concerned because he is my precious boy. I'm a newbie about parrot and I have been searching for all kind of poops to see the sign when a parrot could have diseases.
I hope I can get some answer and I appreciate your helps.
Hey welcome to the forum! Sadly we al start here due to problems but i love to help.

first of all i have some questions:
1. is he drinking excessivly?
2. what is the normal diet of your parrot? pallets or mainly seeds and fruits?

I am not completly familiar with lovebirds but more with the bigger parrots like african grey, macaw and so on but due you know if he is within the correct range in terms of weight?

As you said you got it from someone else and what i know if that water is badly retained within birds the most often case if malnutrition instead of an disease.
Hey welcome to the forum! Sadly we al start here due to problems but i love to help.

first of all i have some questions:
1. is he drinking excessivly?
2. what is the normal diet of your parrot? pallets or mainly seeds and fruits?

I am not completly familiar with lovebirds but more with the bigger parrots like african grey, macaw and so on but due you know if he is within the correct range in terms of weight?

As you said you got it from someone else and what i know if that water is badly retained within birds the most often case if malnutrition instead of an disease.
Thank you very much. Based on what i see on my greencheek
1. He doesn't drink excessively
2. Normally, his old owner gave him parrot chop (with carrot, broccoli, corn...), seeds like normal, fruit like apples. So I recreate just like him.

Some said i should buy smecta which is adiosmectite and he advised me to use 1/4 of it with warm water.
Now I'm watching my bird to check on my bird. He's still singing and chirping
Thank you very much. Based on what i see on my greencheek
1. He doesn't drink excessively
2. Normally, his old owner gave him parrot chop (with carrot, broccoli, corn...), seeds like normal, fruit like apples. So I recreate just like him.

Some said i should buy smecta which is adiosmectite and he advised me to use 1/4 of it with warm water.
Now I'm watching my bird to check on my bird. He's still singing and chirping

ofcourse the change of owner could be a big part of its behaviour and with lots of TLC should subside.

the current food htings like brocolli, apples and so on contain alot of water. if it would be possible i would reduce this and increase the amount of food which is more dry. (simply said increase dry matter within the total composition).

For my birds pallets are the main and all the rest is treated as snacks for them and it works well.

Hopefully this information is usefull and there will be probably more informartion coming your way knowing this forum

ofcourse the change of owner could be a big part of its behaviour and with lots of TLC should subside.

the current food htings like brocolli, apples and so on contain alot of water. if it would be possible i would reduce this and increase the amount of food which is more dry. (simply said increase dry matter within the total composition).

For my birds pallets are the main and all the rest is treated as snacks for them and it works well.

Hopefully this information is usefull and there will be probably more informartion coming your way knowing
Thank you so much for your useful advice. It is a new information for me to learn how to get a bird proper diet.
I will try your recipe then
Thank you so much for your useful advice. It is a new information for me to learn how to get a bird proper diet.
I will try your recipe then
Your welcome,

No bird is the same and they should not be treated as such. find out what he wants it it might be completely different than your other bird. my parents have 2 beautifull Hyacinth macaws both ar 70 years of age but both have a different prefferences in terms of food ;)
Hes really cute! Birds don't have teeth (obviously) so they don't really "chew". They crush food up by mashing it against the inside of their upper beak with their lower beak, moving food around with their tongue, if this makes sense. Is his beak normal? If so, he shouldn't have trouble crushing things up this way before swallowing.

How old is he? Have you ever fed him this mixture of vegetables? His poop almost looks like that mixture. Did you actually see this poop come out of him or did you find it? It almost looks like he regurgitated the veggies, not pooped them.

I'd line his cage with a white paper towel and start monitoring his poops for a day or so. If this really is his poop, and his next poops aren't more normal looking, I'd get him in to see an avian vet, and bring the paper towels with you. None of us can make medical diagnosis. Don't wait too long.
Sorry, I just noted that you don't have vets for birds in your country. What did you feed him right before you fed him this chopped veggie mix? Were his poops more normal before feeding your veggie mix? If so, I would go back to feeding that and see what happens yo his poops.
The other member is correct, changing homes is traumatic for parrots, so a period of off behavior and physical change can be expected. 100% correct to duplicate the goods he had been eating prior to you getting him. Change diet slowly over a period of weeks and even months.

Good idea to line the cage with white paper, so the color and nature of the poops will be easy to see. What I do not see in the picture above is the white of uremic acid, which is equivalent to human urine. Personally I would offer as much water as he will drink. The reds in the poops above are due to the red peppers most likely. Parrot poops will mimic the color of their foods most times, so if you feed him red beets in example his poops will be really red!

I also suggest that you get a kitchen scale or other scale that weighs out in grams and start weighing him every morning, after he has taken his large morning poop. Record the results and monitor it. A drop of 3 to 5% is cause for concern. Small parrots like conures do not have a lot of weight to lose.
OMG first of all, I very appreciate with all your comments. After monitoring him about these days, his poop finally was good.
And with your helps, I tried to change his diet with pellet, seeds, water and not making parrot chop anymore.
You're right that his poop looks exactly like what he eats.
Chop is very good for parrots but you should reintroduce it slowly and try to make his diet primarily pellets.

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